Body weight of 2-18 year old Finnish children

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# : This page should be merged with Height in Finland (and possibly renamed Height and body weight in Finland]]. --Jouni (talk) 09:02, 23 September 2015 (UTC)


The variable describes the body weight of Finnish children aged 2-18 years by sex and age.


Information about the mean and the lower and upper bounds of 95% confidence interval (2.5th and 97.5th percentiles) of body weight at each year from 2 to 18 years of age was extracted from growth charts for Finnish children[1] (mean +/- 2SD curves) by visual extrapolation. Information extracted can be found in Excel sheet.







Body weight of a random child in the Finnish population by sex and age

Girls Boys
Age (years) Mean -2SD +2SD Mean -2SD +2SD
2 11.538 9.359 15.128 12.179 9.615 14.744
3 14.103 10.897 17.051 14.103 11.282 17.308
4 15.385 12.282 19.231 16.026 12.308 19.231
5 17.308 14.103 21.538 17.308 14.103 21.154
6 19.487 15.385 23.462 19.231 14.872 23.718
7 21.795 17.051 26.923 21.795 16.410 26.923
8 23.846 18.590 30.128 24.615 19.231 29.615
9 26.282 19.615 33.974 26.923 20.513 33.333
10 29.744 20.769 38.462 29.487 22.051 37.179
11 32.692 22.436 43.590 32.051 24.359 40.385
12 37.179 23.846 50.000 35.256 26.923 45.513
13 41.667 26.282 56.410 39.103 27.692 50.000
14 46.923 31.410 62.179 43.590 30.769 57.692
15 51.282 36.538 66.667 50.641 33.974 67.949
16 54.103 39.744 68.590 58.974 41.667 73.077
17 55.128 41.026 69.615 62.821 45.513 78.205
18 56.410 42.949 70.256 66.026 50.000 81.410


  1. Mannerheimin lastensuojeluliitto