Health decision ontology

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Health decision ontology is a vocabulary developed to support systematic description of issues and values related to societal decision making about health. The vocabulary describes both hierarchical ontology of terms and the causal relations of the issues described by these terms.


What terms are needed when systematically describing health issues in the realm of societal decision making in such a way that



Systematic terminology used in health decision descriptions
Subject Predicate Object Qualifier
altistuminen Y94589 equal to exposure EPO_0000039 language:ENG
vaikutukset Y101026
terveysvaikutukset Y99451
riskitekijät Y108621
terveysriskit Y111873
riskikäyttäytyminen Y114763
väestö Y100322
altistuminen Y94589 affects vaikutukset Y101026
annosvaste affects vaikutukset Y101026
odds ratio EPO_0000119 instance of annosvaste
incidence rate ratio EPO_0000115 instance of annosvaste
sote:aihe subclass of tietoluokka(?)
sote:palvelu subclass of tietoluokka(?)
taudit Y99332
oireyhtymät Y164176
hyvinvointi Y95463
elintaso Y94992
köyhyys Y96678
eriarvoisuus Y95086
tutkimusaihe subclass of aihe (substanssi)
ennaltaehkäisy Y101115
toimintakyky Y99567
mielenterveys Y97443
sote (sosiaali- ja terveyshallinto) Y98930
infektiotaudit Y121070
rokotteet Y98618
diagnostiikka Y94907
tietoturva Y106522
big data Y195047

Sources of ontology terms: Y Finnish general ontology YSA, EPO Epidemiology ontology in Ontobee, Q items in Wikidata,

The terminology is first tested in a research strategy discussion within THL in summer 2017 [1].

See also