PM2.5 concentration from bus traffic in Helsinki in 2020

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  • Spatial limits: Helsinki metropolitan area
  • Temporal limits: year 2020
  • Type of pollutant: primary PM2.5
  • Source of pollutant: bus traffic



List of parents:


List of data files or sources:

  • Database from EXPOLIS study (1996-1997) - individual measurements of total outdoor PM exposure
  • Database from ULTRA study - fixed monitoring sites


Total PM2.5 exposure/concentration was used as the starting point for the calculations of PM2.5 due to bus traffic, subtracting the contributions from other sources.

Ebus = (Ec-Elrt)/ftr*fbus

fi = (Emi * wfi)/Sum(Emi*wfi)


Ebus is average PM2.5 exposure to primary particles from local buses (μg/m3)
Ec is total exposure to combustion originating particles (μg/m3)
Elrt is the concentration of combustion-based long-range transport (average exposure to long-range transported PM2.5)(μg/m3)
ftr is the ratio of local road traffic exposure to local CoPM (no units)
fbus is the ratio of local bus-derived primary CoPM to all local road-traffic-derived CoPM (no units)
Emi is the CoPM emissions in the Helsinki area (%)
wfi is the relative weight factors to CoPM-emissions (no units)
wf is an estimate of the the impact of a unit emission on the average population exposure in the area (no units)
Index i denotes different CoPM sources in Helsinki




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For accessible numerical results, go to Media:Gasbus model 01.ANA