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What is actually measured with onors?

How to read discussions

Statements: Onors can be used to measure anything that is respected.

Resolution: No. Currently we only understand how onors should be used when freely distributed information is produced.

(Resolved, i.e., the resolution has been updated to the main page.)

1 Onor is a respect currency originally designed to distribute respect for actions reducing greenhouse gas emissions. One onor equals the respect earned by reducing 1 kg of CO2 emissions. --08:17, 22 November 2009 by Jouni
3 : --Jouni 14:54, 30 September 2010 (UTC)
2 : Respect can be given for any kind of actions. So should onors. --Jouni 14:54, 30 September 2010 (UTC)
3 : Onor is not money. We know how money works with exchangeable goods. We know it works poorly with freely distributed information. Onors should be developed to work especially with freely distributed information. This may limit its use in other purposes. At least we don't understand how it would work with other respectable things. --Jouni 14:54, 30 September 2010 (UTC)