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! Human health effects caused by fine particles
! Human health effects caused by fine particles
| Pienhiukkaset aiheuttavat sydän- ja verisuonisairauksia ja lisäävät kuolleisuutta niihin. Pienhiukkasissa on myös syöpävaarallisia ainesosia, ja ne näyttävätkin lisäävän myös keuhkosyöpää. Sydänvaikutukset ovat kuitenkin kansanterveydellisesti selvästi suurempi osa pienhiukkasvaikutuksista. Lisäksi pienhiukkaset pahentavat herkkien ihmisten kuten astmaatikkojen hengitystieoireita. Tuore raportti EU-maiden pienhiukkasvaikutuksista arvioi, että Suomessa kuolee ennenaikaisesti pienhiukkasten takia yli tuhat ihmistä. [http://ec.europa.eu/environment/air/cafe/pdf/strat_com_en.pdf#search=%22CAFE%20environmental%20health%20EU%22] Näistä vajaa puolet eli noin 500 johtuu suomalaisista päästölähteistä, loput ulkomailta tulevasta kaukokulkeumasta. [http://www.ktl.fi/portal/english/osiot/research,_people___programs/environmental_health/research/health_risk_analysis/research_projects/kopra/]
| Fine particles cause cardiovascular and pulmonar diseases and increase mortality to these diseases. They also contain carcinogenic substances, and they seem to increase lung cancer. However, cardiovascular diseases are more important from public health perspective. In addition, fine particles aggravate symptoms of sensitive people such as asthmatics. A recent report about the health effects of fine particles in the European Union assessed that more than a thousand people per year die prematurely due to fine particles in Finland. [http://ec.europa.eu/environment/air/cafe/pdf/strat_com_en.pdf#search=%22CAFE%20environmental%20health%20EU%22] Of these slightly less than a half, about 500, is due to Finnish emission sources. The rest is due to long-range transport from abroad. [http://www.ktl.fi/portal/english/osiot/research,_people___programs/environmental_health/research/health_risk_analysis/research_projects/kopra/]

Latest revision as of 21:40, 26 February 2007

Human health effects caused by fine particles
Fine particles cause cardiovascular and pulmonar diseases and increase mortality to these diseases. They also contain carcinogenic substances, and they seem to increase lung cancer. However, cardiovascular diseases are more important from public health perspective. In addition, fine particles aggravate symptoms of sensitive people such as asthmatics. A recent report about the health effects of fine particles in the European Union assessed that more than a thousand people per year die prematurely due to fine particles in Finland. [1] Of these slightly less than a half, about 500, is due to Finnish emission sources. The rest is due to long-range transport from abroad. [2]