Help:Wiki editing

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Revision as of 10:31, 11 June 2012 by JonniN (talk | contribs) (Files)
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Tekstin oikeanlainen muotoilu on tärkeää selkeän luettavuuden ja artikkelin “pääpointin” selviämiseksi.


Headings make the text more structured and they make it easier to read.

You can create headings by adding equal signs to boths sides of the desired heading.


If you want a smaller heading just add some more equal signs.

====A smaller heading====

Tekstin ulkoasu


Bolding brings out keywords or other important parts of the text. Bolding should not be overused, because it makes the text less clear and makes understanding of the text more difficult.

Bolded text

'''Bolded text''', or <b>Bolded text</b>

Italics is a good way to attract attention to a part of the text. It is mainly used in quotes.


Italic text

''Italic text'', or <i>Italic text</i>

Underlining is a third option in emphasizing a part of the text.


Underlined word

<u>Underlined word</u>

Indentations make the text easier to read and they clarify the structure of the text. Indentations can be used to emphasize and clarify parts of the text.

Example: This is normal text.

This has been indented.
This is a double indentation.

Code for indentations:

This is normal text.
:This has been indented.
::This is a double indentation.


It's easy to list facts in order using lists. You can also write lists without a specific order.

Listing goes like this:

Ordinary list:
  • This is a thing.
  • This is another thing.
    • This is a corrective or a differentiation of the previous thing.


*This is a thing
 *This is another thing
 **This is a corrective or a differentiation for the previous thing.

Numbered list:
  1. This is the first thing.
  2. This is the second thing
    1. This is the first correctice of the second thing.


#This is the first thing.
 #This is the second thing
 ##This is the first corrective of the second thing.
You can also combine lists like this:
  • This is a thing
    1. This is it's first clarification
      • This is a corrective of the first corrective


*This is a thing
 *#This is it's first clarification
 *#*This is a corrective of the first corrective


Normal table

Normal table or a "pretty table" is table which is used to present facts clearly in a table. These tables don't have any special properties and they can be used only in presenting facts. By pressing Table in the edit screen you can bring out the Table generator, which lets you change the number of rows and columns of the table. By pressing Insert table code the table generator creates the code of the table on the page:

! Column title 0
! Column title 1
| element 0.1
| element 1.1
| element 0.2
| element 1.2
Column title 0 Column title 1
element 0.1 element 1.1
element 0.2 element 1.2

If you untick PrettyTable-style the table looks like this:

Table topic
Column title 0 Column title 1
element 0.1 element 1.1
element 0.2 element 1.2

Data table

Datatable is a table which has some special properties. Datatables can be used as information for predictions and to count probabilites.

Help:Wiki editing(nro)


<t2b  index="index1" Locations="Location0,Location1,Location2" unit="nro">


Links are ment to ease integrating external sources of information to an existing Opasnet page. You don't have to rewrite the page to Opasnet, and it is easy to link the existing information to Opasnet.

Internal links

Internal links guide you to an existing page in Opasnet:

Example: Opasnet user skills


[[Name of the page]]
e.g. [[Opasnet user skills]]

External links

External links take you to a page which is not a page in Opasnet:



 [Page's URL Page's name] or [Page's URL]
 [ Wikipedia] or []
Wikipedia or [1]

You can also add a link by typing the URL of the page:



You can add different kinds of files into Opasnet to add information or to clarify the message of the page. You can add a file by pressing Embedded file button on the editing screen.

File:Editing example.jpg


Categories, categorizing

Categorizing eases finding the right pages.

Rating bar

Arvostelupalkki on tärkeä osa artikkelia, sillä sen avulla on helppo havainnoida tai arvostella artikkelin tiedon laatua.