Risk assessment on airports - Kuopio workshop case study

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This page contains the risk assessment conducted as a case study in the Kuopio workshop. Before the workshop begins this page serves as a place to discuss how the case study should be done, e.g. the methodological approaches to be used, the tools to be used, the scoping of the case study, data availability etc.

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I suggest comments be put on the discussion page of this page and the outcomes of these discussions be then added on this page. The comments written so far on this page have been now moved to the discussion page (click the discussion tab on top of the window)Mikko 05:35, 2 March 2007 (EET)

Case study topic

Following originally David's suggestion, we will be focusing on airports as the case, and Schiphol especially. A preliminary suggestion of the scoping is to concentrate on air pollution, noise, and road accidents. Airplanes and connecting road traffic are the emission sources. Emissions near the airport (10 km, say) will be considered, but not emissions from the air traffic as whole.

The possible policy scenarios include

  • time limitations of airport use (restirctions on night-time activity; noise)
  • sizes of airports (air pollution + noise)
  • plane types/sizes
  • more efficient flight profiles or a more optimised route network (these relate to between-airport issues, yes?)
  • and more advanced noise abatement arrival and departure procedures

Please express your comments on this suggestion. Participants and all other interested, also please collect suitable data you have or can find in relation to this topic.

Data or literature

A few relevant studies that might supply valuable data (or insights) include the following:

Study on Current and Future Aircraft Noise Exposure at and around Community Airports [1]

Public Health Impact of Large Airports [2]

A project on relevant indicators for health impacts of airports has also been running, including tests on data availability around 3 airports (Malpensa, Heathrow and Schiphol). Follow-up study, however, has been cancelled. The report (under 'final report'), the case studies (under 'case-studies') and the list of indicators (also under 'case studies') is to be found at [3]

Furthermore, for general discussion it would be useful to see (more detailed) what SP3 are planning to do in their case studies. They are currently drafting scoping reports. Some of these (or related information) are available at wiki:

I (Anne) will bring along some others to Finland.

Maybe some other interesting reports:

The project UNITE produced some nice reports about airports and aircrafts (check e.g appendix 9F and Annex A5) [4]

For airport Schiphol A statistical annual review is published every year for actual numbers. They also make a comparison with other European airports [5]

For the German Frankfurt-airport some (German) reports are available:

One thorough review on exposure-response functions of noise (comprising mostly traffic noise and aviation) and health [9]


  • I (Alex) can bring a single source Ecosense model (old version; for use in the workshop only, not for distribution)
    • Input: emissions into the air of a single source (needed e.g. emissions per year, location...)
    • Calculations: dispersion on 50 * 50 km grid for Europe using the Windrose Trajectory Model (a very simple model); calculation of the health impacts (also crops) and calculation of the external costs caused by this.
  • Or if you would like to do the dispersion modelling with another model, I could bring factors for calculating the health impacts and the external costs. I would need delta concentration (background without airport - with airport) per grid cell and population in the same grid cells. I could use Excel to do the rest like it is done in Ecosense.

Suggested case study topics were removed, but they can be found from a previous version.