Heating consumption of buildings

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To define heating consumption of buildings.


Heating consumption (Q) of buildings can be defined with knowledge of surface area of building, inside and outside temperature in certain time period, and heat permeability factors. Easiest way to use heating consumption is to define it as floor area weighted calculation.


Af = Ar
Aw = 8Af

Floor weighted heating permeability factor is calculated as:

Uf = (Af/Af*Uf + Aw/Af*Uw + Ar/Af*Ur)/(Af/Af)
=(Uf + 8Uw + Ur)/10

where Af is area of floor, Ar is area of roof, Aw is area of walls, Uf is heating permeability factor of floor, Uw heating permeability of walls, and Ur is heating permeability factor of roof. Unit of areas are m3, unit of heating permeability factors are kW/m2 K.

Heating consumptions of building is calculated as:

Q = Uf * Af * (Tin-Tout)dt

where Uf is floor weighted heating permeability factor of building, Af is area of floor, and Tin is inside temperature and Tout outside temperature in time dt.Unit of areas are m3, unit of heating permeability factors are kW/m2 K.


