Myocardial infarction risk in adults in Beneris

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Myocardial infarction risk in adults describes the remaining lifetime risk of having a myocardial infarction in adults as a result of exposure to methyl mercury, selenium and fish oils through fish consumption in the target European country.


Myocardial infarction in adults is represented as a function of parent variables and is indexed by variable age. It applies to last two age categories and to adults in general (individuals aged 18 years and older).


List of parents:



  • the (remaining) lifetime risk of myocardial infarction for adults between 18 and 55 years of age:

MI_risk_18_55yr = 1/(1+e^(-(0.5-0.0006*37*(fatty_acids18_55-16)+0.003*37*(mehg18_55-37)-0.0005*37*(selenium18_55-0.29)-0.03*(socioeconomic_status18_55-8)+ 0.01*37*(smoking_status18_55-2.023)-0.0005*37*37*(mehg18_55-37)*(selenium18_55-0.29))))

  • the (remaining) lifetime risk of myocardial infarction for adults older than 55 years:

MI_risk_over55yr = 1/(1+e^(-(0.55-0.0037*20*(fatty_acids55-15)+0.003*20*(mehg55-31)-0.0037*20*(selenium55-0.24)-0.005*(socioeconomic_status55-10)+ 0.03*20*(smoking_status55-2.023)-0.00037*20*20*(mehg55-31)*(selenium55-0.24))))

  • the (remaining) lifetime risk of myocardial infarction for adults older than 18 years:

MI_risk = 0.6*MI_risk_18_55yr+0.4*MI_risk_over55yr

