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{{defend|# |Tämähän alkaa olla oikein hyvä! Alla vielä muutamia kommentteja.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] 20:34, 28 June 2012 (EEST)}}
{{defend|# |Tämähän alkaa olla oikein hyvä! Alla vielä muutamia kommentteja.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] 20:34, 28 June 2012 (EEST)}}
{{todo|Kristiina, Henrik ja Teemu, puhukaapa keskenänne tämän sivun taulukoista. Tässä on muutamia teknisiä juttuja:
* Tulokset on tässä kirjoitettu muotoon 3.4x10-3. Joko interpret-funktiota on päivitettävä siten, että se ymmärtää tämän, tai sitten kaikki näiden taulukoiden tulokset pitää muuttaa muotoon 3.4e-3 (jonka R ymmärtää oikein, kun käytetään as.numericia). Tuntuu, että interpretin päivitys olisi parempi vaihtoehto.
* Tulokset on tässä kirjoitettu muotoon 3.4x10-3. Joko interpret-funktiota on päivitettävä siten, että se ymmärtää tämän, tai sitten kaikki näiden taulukoiden tulokset pitää muuttaa muotoon 3.4e-3 (jonka R ymmärtää oikein, kun käytetään as.numericia). Tuntuu, että interpretin päivitys olisi parempi vaihtoehto mutta puhukaa keskenänne.
* Yksiköt pitäisi muuttaa tietokoneelle ymmärrettäväksi. Vaihtoehtoja: a) [[Unit conversions]] -sivulle lisätään kaikki tässä esiintyvät uudet yksiköt, niin että niille saadaan muunnosohjeet (esim. mg /kg-day &rarr; mg /kg /d tai per µg /m<sup>3</sup> &rarr; m3 /µg. b) Kaikki yksiköt tällä sivulla muutetaan tuohon standardimuotoon. Mikä tuntuisi järkevältä?
* Yksiköt pitäisi muuttaa tietokoneelle ymmärrettäväksi. Vaihtoehtoja: a) [[Unit conversions]] -sivulle lisätään kaikki tässä esiintyvät uudet yksiköt, niin että niille saadaan muunnosohjeet (esim. mg /kg-day &rarr; mg /kg /d tai per µg /m<sup>3</sup> &rarr; m3 /µg. b) Kaikki yksiköt tällä sivulla muutetaan tuohon standardimuotoon. Mikä tuntuisi järkevältä?
|KristiinaS, HenrikV, Teemu R|project=Opasnet}}
{{attack|# |Jos jossakin taulukossa joka rivillä on sama yksikkö, koko saraketta ei tarvita vaan riittää yksikön ilmoittaminen osoiterivillä.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] 20:34, 28 June 2012 (EEST)}}
{{attack|# |Jos jossakin taulukossa joka rivillä on sama yksikkö, koko saraketta ei tarvita vaan riittää yksikön ilmoittaminen osoiterivillä.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] 20:34, 28 June 2012 (EEST)}}
{{attack|# |Toistaiseksi ei toimi systeemi, jossa on monta datataulua samalla sivulla. Niinpä pitäisi jokainen siirtää omalle sivulleen, jotka kannattaa nimetä IRIS/Oral RFDs jne.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] 20:34, 28 June 2012 (EEST)}}
{{attack|# |Ei tätä kannata tehdä rivi kerrallaan, vaan ottaa koko viiden taulukon tiedosto (ks. Related files) muokata siitä tekstinkäsittelyohjelmalla viisi t2b-taulukkoa. Etsi-korvaa-toiminnolla voi tehdä suurimman osan muotoiluista. Kannattaa kysyä apua jos ei osaa, koska muuten työssä menee päiviä.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] 10:42, 20 June 2012 (EEST)}}
{{attack|# |Ei tätä kannata tehdä rivi kerrallaan, vaan ottaa koko viiden taulukon tiedosto (ks. Related files) muokata siitä tekstinkäsittelyohjelmalla viisi t2b-taulukkoa. Etsi-korvaa-toiminnolla voi tehdä suurimman osan muotoiluista. Kannattaa kysyä apua jos ei osaa, koska muuten työssä menee päiviä.|--[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] 10:42, 20 June 2012 (EEST)}}
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|2 = Huomaa, että IRIS identifier on tärkeä. Se löytyy nettilinkeistä (esim. Acenaphthenen QuickView on tämmöinen linkki: http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris/quickview.cfm?substance_nmbr=0442#reforal ja siitä näkee, että tämän aineen IRIS identifier on 0442.  
|2 = Huomaa, että IRIS identifier on tärkeä. Se löytyy nettilinkeistä (esim. Acenaphthenen QuickView on tämmöinen linkki: http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris/quickview.cfm?substance_nmbr=0442#reforal ja siitä näkee, että tämän aineen IRIS identifier on 0442.  
|3 = --[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] 10:42, 20 June 2012 (EEST)}}
|3 = --[[User:Jouni|Jouni]] 10:42, 20 June 2012 (EEST)}}
===Inhalation RfCs===
<t2b index = "Substance,Observation type" locations = "CASRN,Critical Effact(s),Unit,Inhalation RfC,Type of RfC,Point of Departure(s)*,Overall Confidence,IRIS identifier" unit = "mg /m<sup>3</sup>">
Acenaphthene|83-32-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Acenaphthylene|208-96-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Acephate|30560-19-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Acetaldehyde|75-07-0|Degeneration of olfactory epithelium|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|9x10<sup>-3</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|8.7|Low|0290
Acetochlor|34256-82-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Acetone|67-64-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Acetonitrile|75-05-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Acetophenone|98-86-2|Mortality|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|6x10<sup>-2</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|60|Medium|0205
Acetyl chloride|75-36-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Acifluorfen, sodium|62476-59-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Acrolein|107-02-8|Nasal lesions|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-5</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|0.02|Medium|0364
Acrylamide|79-06-1|Degenerative nerve changes|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|0.006|HEC (BMDL)|0.18|Medium|0286
Acrylic acid|79-10-7|Degeneration of the nasal olfactory epithelium|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>-3</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|0.33|Medium|0002
Acrylonitrile|107-13-1|Degeneration and inflammation of nasal respiratory epithelium; hyperplasia of mucous secreting cells|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-3</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|1.9|Medium|0206
Adiponitrile|111-69-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Alachlor|15972-60-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Alar|1596-84-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Aldicarb|116-06-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Aldicarb sulfone|1646-88-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Aldrin|309-00-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ally|74223-64-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Allyl alcohol|107-18-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Allyl chloride|107-05-1|Functional and histological peripheral neurotoxicity|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>-3</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|3.6|Low|0387
Aluminum phosphide|20859-73-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Amdro|67485-29-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ametryn|834-12-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
4-Aminopyridine|504-24-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Amitraz|33089-61-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ammonia|7664-41-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ammonium acetate|631-61-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ammonium methacrylate|16325-47-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ammonium sulfamate|7773-06-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Aniline|62-53-3|Lack of toxicity (other effect: Mild spleen toxicity )|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>-3</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|3.4|Low|0350
ortho-Anisidine|90-04-0|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0610
Anthracene|120-12-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Antimony|7440-36-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Antimony trioxide|1309-64-4|Pulmonary toxicity, chronic interstitial inflammation|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-4</sup>|BMC<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|0.074|Medium|0676
Apollo|74115-24-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Aramite|140-57-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Aroclor 1016|12674-11-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Aroclor 1248|12672-29-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Aroclor 1254|11097-69-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Arsenic, inorganic|7440-38-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Arsine|7784-42-1|Increased hemolysis, abnormal RBC morphology, and increased spleen weight (other effect: Increased hemolysis, increased spleen weight, and impaired compensatory erythropoiesis)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|5x10<sup>-5</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.014|Medium|0672
Asbestos|1332-21-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Assure|76578-14-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Asulam|3337-71-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Atrazine|1912-24-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Avermectin B1|65195-55-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Azobenzene|103-33-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Barium and Compounds|7440-39-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Barium cyanide|542-62-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Baygon|114-26-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Bayleton|43121-43-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Baythroid|68359-37-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benefin|1861-40-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benomyl|17804-35-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Bentazon (Basagran)|25057-89-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benz[a]anthracene|56-55-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benzaldehyde|100-52-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benzene|71-43-2|Decreased lymphocyte count|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-2</sup>|BMCL|8.2|Medium|0276
Benzidine|92-87-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0135
Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP)|50-32-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benzo[b]fluoranthene|205-99-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benzo[g,h,i]perylene|191-24-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benzo[k]fluoranthene|207-08-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benzoic acid|65-85-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benzotrichloride|98-07-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Benzyl chloride|100-44-7|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0393
Beryllium and compounds|7440-41-7|Beryllium sensitization and progression to CBD|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-5</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|0.0002|Medium|0012
Bidrin|141-66-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Biphenthrin|82657-04-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,1-Biphenyl|92-52-4|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0013
Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether|108-60-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane|111-91-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Bis(chloroethyl)ether (BCEE)|111-44-4|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0137
Bis(chloromethyl)ether (BCME)|542-88-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0375
Bisphenol A.|80-05-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Boron and Compounds|7440-42-8|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0410
Bromate|15541-45-4|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||1002
Brominated dibenzofurans|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Bromobenzene|108-86-1|Hepatocellular cytomegaly in female B6C3F1 mice|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|6x10<sup>-2</sup>|BMCL<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|63|Low/Medium|1020
Bromochloromethane|74-97-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Bromodichloromethane|75-27-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
p-Bromodiphenyl ether|101-55-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Bromoform|75-25-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0214
Bromomethane|74-83-9|Degenerative and proliferative lesions of the olfactory epithelium of the nasal cavity|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|5x10<sup>-3</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|0.48|High|0015
Bromotrichloromethane|75-62-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Bromoxynil|1689-84-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Bromoxynil octanoate|1689-99-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,3-Butadiene|106-99-0|Ovarian atrophy|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-3</sup>|BMCL<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|1.98|Medium|0139
n-Butanol|71-36-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Butyl benzyl phthalate|85-68-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Butylate|2008-41-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
t-Butylchloride|507-20-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Butylphthalyl butylglycolate (BPBG)|85-70-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cacodylic acid|75-60-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cadmium|7440-43-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Calcium cyanide|592-01-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Caprolactam|105-60-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0357
Captafol|2425-06-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Captan|133-06-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Carbaryl|63-25-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0019
Carbofuran|1563-66-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Carbon disulfide|75-15-0|Peripheral nervous system dysfunction|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|7x10<sup>-1</sup>|BMC<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|19.7|Medium|0217
Carbon tetrachloride|56-23-5|Fatty changes in the liver|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|0.1|BMCL<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|14.3|Medium|0020
Carbonyl sulfide|463-58-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0617
Carbosulfan|55285-14-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Carboxin|5234-68-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cerium Oxide and Cerium Compounds|1306-38-3|Increased incidence of alveolar epithelial hyperplasia in the lungs of male and female rats|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|9x10<sup>-4</sup>|BMCL (HEC)|0.86|Low|1018
Chloral hydrate|302-17-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chloramben|133-90-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlordane (Technical)|12789-03-6|Hepatic effects|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|7x10<sup>-4</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.65|Low|0142
Chlordecone (Kepone)|143-50-0|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||1017
Chlorimuron-ethyl|90982-32-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlorine|7782-50-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlorine cyanide|506-77-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlorine dioxide|10049-04-4|Vascular congestion and peribronchial edema (other effect: Hemorrhagic alveoli and congested capillaries in the lungs)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-4</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|0.64|Low|0496
Chlorite (sodium salt)|7758-19-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0648
1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane|75-68-3|No adverse effects|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|5x10<sup>1</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|14710|Medium|0661
2-Chloroacetophenone|532-27-4|Squamous hyperplasia of the nasal respiratory epithelium|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-5</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|0.03|Low|0537
p-Chloroaniline|106-47-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlorobenzene|108-90-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlorobenzilate|510-15-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1-Chlorobutane|109-69-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2-Chlorobutane|78-86-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlorocyclopentadiene|41851-50-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlorodifluoromethane|75-45-6|Increased kidney, adrenal and pituitary weights (other effect: Reduced maternal weight gain)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|5x10<sup>1</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|5260|Medium|0657
Chloroform|67-66-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chloromethyl methyl ether (CMME)|107-30-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
beta-Chloronaphthalene|91-58-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2-Chlorophenol|95-57-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
p-Chlorophenyl methyl sulfide|123-09-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
p-Chlorophenyl methyl sulfone|98-57-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
p-Chlorophenyl methyl sulfoxide|934-73-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chloroprene|126-99-8|Increase in incidence of olfactory atrophy, alveolar hyperplasia, and splenic hematopoietic proliferation in male F344/N rats, female F344/N rats, and female B6C3F1 mice, respectively|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-2</sup>|BMDL (HEC)|2|Medium/High|1021
Chlorothalonil|1897-45-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
o-Chlorotoluene|95-49-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlorpropham|101-21-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlorpyrifos|2921-88-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chlorsulfuron|64902-72-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Chromium(III), insoluble salts|16065-83-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0028
Chromium(VI) (Chromic acid mists and dissolved Cr(VI) aerosols)|18540-29-9|Nasal septum atrophy|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|8x10<sup>-6</sup>|LOAEL (ADJ)|0.000714|Low|0144
Chromium(VI) (Cr(VI) particulates)|18540-29-9|Lactate dehydrogenase in bronchioalveolar lavage fluid||1x10<sup>-4</sup>|BMC<sub>10</sub> (ADJ)|0.034|Medium|0144
Chrysene|218-01-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Coke oven emissions|8007-45-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Copper|7440-50-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Copper cyanide|544-92-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Creosote|8001-58-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Crotonaldehyde|123-73-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cumene|98-82-8|Increased kidney weights in female rats and adrenal weights in male and female rats|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|4x10<sup>-1</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|435|Medium|0306
Cyanazine|21725-46-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cyanide, free|57-12-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cyanogen|460-19-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cyanogen bromide|506-68-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cyclohexane|110-82-7|Reduced pup weights in the F1 and F2 generations|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|6|BMCL<sub>1sd</sub> (HEC)|1822|Low/Medium|1005
Cyclohexanone|108-94-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cyclohexylamine|108-91-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cyhalothrin/Karate|68085-85-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cypermethrin|52315-07-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Cyromazine|66215-27-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dacthal|1861-32-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dalapon, sodium salt|75-99-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Danitol|39515-41-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'-Decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209)|1163-19-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0035
Demeton|8065-48-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Di (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)|117-81-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate|103-23-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,4-Diaminotoluene|95-80-7|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0536
Diazomethane|334-88-3|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0616
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene|53-70-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dibenzofuran|132-64-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)|96-12-8|Testicular effects|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-4</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.17|Medium|0414
1,4-Dibromobenzene|106-37-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dibromochloromethane|124-48-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dibromodichloromethane|594-18-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
p,p'-Dibromodiphenyl ether|2050-47-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,2-Dibromoethane|106-93-4|Nasal inflammation|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|9x10<sup>-3</sup>|BMCL<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|2.8|Medium|0361
Dibutyl phthalate|84-74-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0038
Dicamba|1918-00-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dichloroacetic acid|79-43-6|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0654
1,3-Dichlorobenzene|541-73-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,4-Dichlorobenzene|106-46-7|Increased liver weights in P1 males|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|8x10<sup>-1</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|75|Medium|0552
1,2-Dichlorobenzene|95-50-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine|91-94-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0504
Dichlorodifluoromethane|75-71-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane (DDD)|72-54-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE)|72-55-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)|50-29-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,2-Dichloroethane|107-06-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,1-Dichloroethane|75-34-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene|156-60-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0314
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene|156-59-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0418
1,1-Dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE)|75-35-4|Liver toxicity (fatty change)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-1</sup>|BMCL<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|6.9|Medium|0039
Dichloromethane|75-09-2|Hepatic effects (hepatic vacuolation)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|6x10<sup>-1</sup>|BMDL<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|17.2|Medium/High|0070
2,4-Dichlorophenol|120-83-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
4-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)butyric acid (2,4-DB)|94-82-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)|94-75-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,2-Dichloropropane|78-87-5|Hyperplasia of the nasal mucosa|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|4x10<sup>-3</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|1.3|Medium|0601
2,3-Dichloropropanol|616-23-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,3-Dichloropropene|542-75-6|Hypertrophy/ hyperplasia of the nasal respiratory epithelium|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-2</sup>|BMCL<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|0.72|High|0224
Dichlorvos|62-73-7|Decreased brain cholinesterase activity|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|5x10<sup>-4</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.05|Medium|0151
Dicofol|115-32-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dieldrin|60-57-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Diesel engine exhaust|NA|Pulmonary inflammation and histopathology|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|5x10<sup>-3</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.144|Medium|0642
Diethyl phthalate|84-66-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Diethyl sulfate|64-67-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0615
Diethyl-p-nitrophenylphosphate|311-45-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Diethylene glycol dinitrate (DEGDN)|693-21-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Difenzoquat|43222-48-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Diflubenzuron|35367-38-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,1-Difluoroethane|75-37-6|No adverse effects observed|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|4x10<sup>1</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|12051|Medium|0665
Diisopropyl methylphosphonate (DIMP)|1445-75-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dimethipin|55290-64-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dimethoate|60-51-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dimethyl phthalate|131-11-3|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0353
Dimethyl sulfate|77-78-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0365
Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT)|120-61-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dimethylamine|124-40-3|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0228
N-N-Dimethylaniline|121-69-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
3,3-Dimethylbenzidine|119-93-7|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0538
N,N-Dimethylformamide|68-12-2|Digestive disturbances and minimal hepatic changes suggestive of liver abnormalities|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-2</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|7.9|Medium|0511
3,4-Dimethylphenol|95-65-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,6-Dimethylphenol|576-26-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,4-Dimethylphenol|105-67-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
4,6-Dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol|131-89-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
m-Dinitrobenzene|99-65-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
o-Dinitrobenzene|528-29-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,4-Dinitrophenol|51-28-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0152
2,4-Dinitrotoluene|121-14-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0542
2,4-/2,6-Dinitrotoluene mixture|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dinoseb|88-85-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,4-Dioxane|123-91-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0326
Diphenamid|957-51-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Diphenylamine|122-39-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,2-Diphenylhydrazine|122-66-7|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0049
Diquat|85-00-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Disulfoton|298-04-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,4-Dithiane|505-29-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Diuron|330-54-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Dodine|2439-10-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Endosulfan|115-29-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Endothall|145-73-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Endrin|72-20-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Epichlorohydrin|106-89-8|Changes in the nasal turbinates|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>-3</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.36|Medium|0050
1,2-Epoxybutane (EBU)|106-88-7|Degenerative lesions of the nasal cavity|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-2</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|4.8|Medium|0630
Ethephon|16672-87-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ethion|563-12-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2-Ethoxyethanol|110-80-5|Decreased testis weight, seminiferous tubule degeneration and decreased hemoglobin|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-1</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|68|Medium|0513
Ethyl acetate|141-78-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ethyl carbamate|51-79-6|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0629
Ethyl chloride|75-00-3|Delayed fetal ossification|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>1<7sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|4000|Medium|0523
S-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC)|759-94-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ethyl ether|60-29-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphorothioate (EPN)|2104-64-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ethylbenzene|100-41-4|Developmental toxicity|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|1|NOAEL (HEC)|434|Low|0051
Ethylene diamine|107-15-3|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0528
Ethylene glycol|107-21-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (EGBE) (2-Butoxyethanol)|111-76-2|Hemosiderin deposition in the liver|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.6|BMCL (HEC)|16|Medium/High|0500
Ethylene thiourea (ETU)|96-45-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Ethyleneimine|151-56-4|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0631
Ethylphthalyl ethylglycolate (EPEG)|84-72-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Express|101200-48-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Fenamiphos|22224-92-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Fluometuron|2164-17-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Fluoranthene|206-44-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Fluorene|86-73-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Fluorine (soluble fluoride)|7782-41-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Fluridone|59756-60-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Flurprimidol|56425-91-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Flutolanil|66332-96-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Fluvalinate|69409-94-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Folpet|133-07-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Fomesafen|72178-02-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Fonofos|944-22-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Formaldehyde|50-00-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Formic acid|64-18-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Fosetyl-al|39148-24-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Furan|110-00-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Furfural|98-01-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Furmecyclox|60568-05-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Glufosinate-ammonium|77182-82-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Glycidaldehyde|765-34-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Glyphosate|1071-83-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Haloxyfop-methyl|69806-40-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Harmony|79277-27-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Heptachlor|76-44-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Heptachlor epoxide|1024-57-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
n-Heptane|142-82-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Hexabromobenzene|87-82-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Hexabromodiphenyl ether|36483-60-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-153)|68631-49-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||1009
Hexachlorobenzene|118-74-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||0374
Hexachlorobutadiene|87-68-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH)|319-84-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-HCH)|319-85-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
delta-Hexachlorocyclohexane (delta-HCH)|319-86-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
epsilon-Hexachlorocyclohexane (epsilon-HC)|6108-10-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)|58-89-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
technical Hexachlorocyclohexane (t-HCH)|608-73-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCPD)|77-47-4|Suppurative inflammation of the nose|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-4</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.024|Medium|0059
Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD), mixture of 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD and 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD|57653-85-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Hexachloroethane|67-72-1|Neurotoxicity (tremors and ruffled pelt)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-2</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|83|Low|0167
Hexachlorophene|70-30-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX)|121-82-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,6-Hexamethylene diisocyanate|822-06-0|Degeneration of olfactory epithelium|mg /m<sup>3</sup|1x10<sup>-5</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.001|Medium|0638
n-Hexane|110-54-3|Peripheral neuropathy (decreased MCV at 12 weeks)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|7x10<sup>-1</sup>|BMCL (HEC)|215|Medium|0486
2-Hexanone|591-78-6|Motor conduction velocity of the sciatic-tibial nerve|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-2</sup>|BMCL<sub>05</sub> (HEC)|90|Low|1019
Hexazinone|51235-04-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Hydrazine/Hydrazine sulfate|302-01-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Hydrogen Cyanide and Cyanide Salts|Various|Thyroid enlargement and altered iodide uptake|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|0.0008|LOAEL (ADJ)|2.5|Low/Medium|0060
Hydrogen chloride|7647-01-0|Hyperplasia of nasal mucosa larynx and trachea|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-2</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|6.1|Low|0396
Hydrogen sulfide|7783-06-4|Nasal lesions of the olfactory mucosa|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-3</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.64|Medium/High|0061
Hydroquinone|123-31-9|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Imazalil|35554-44-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Imazaquin|81335-37-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene|193-39-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Iprodione|36734-19-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Isobutyl alcohol|78-83-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Isophorone|78-59-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Isopropalin|33820-53-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Isopropyl methyl phosphonic acid (IMPA)|1832-54-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Isoxaben|82558-50-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Lactofen|77501-63-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Lead and compounds (inorganic)|7439-92-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
d-Limonene|5989-27-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Linuron|330-55-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Londax|83055-99-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Malathion|121-75-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Maleic anhydride|108-31-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Maleic hydrazide|123-33-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Maneb|12427-38-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Manganese|7439-96-5|Impairment of neurobehavioral function (other effect: Impairment of neurobehavioral function)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|5x10<sup>-5</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|0.05|Medium|0373
Mepiquat chloride|24307-26-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Mercuric chloride (HgCl2)|7487-94-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Mercury, elemental|7439-97-6|Hand tremor; increases in memory disturbances; slight subjective and objective evidence of autonomic dysfunction|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-4</sup>|LOAEL (ADJ)|0.009|Medium|0370
Merphos|150-50-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Merphos oxide|78-48-8|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Metalaxyl|57837-19-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methacrylonitrile|126-98-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methamidophos|10265-92-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methanol|67-56-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methidathion|950-37-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methomyl|16752-77-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methoxychlor|72-43-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
2-Methoxyethanol|109-86-4|Testicular effects|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-2</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|17|Medium|0525
Methyl acrylate|96-33-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methyl chloride|74-87-3|Cerebellar lesions|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|9x10<sup>-2</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|94.6|Medium|1003
Methyl chlorocarbonate|79-22-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)|78-93-3|Developmental toxicity (skeletal variations)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|5|LEC (HEC)|1517|Medium|0071
Methyl iodide|74-88-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK)|108-10-1|Reduced fetal body weight, skeletal variations, and increased fetal death in mice, and skeletal variations in rats|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3|NOAEL (HEC)|1026|Low/Medium|0173
Methyl isocyanate|624-83-9|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Methyl methacrylate|80-62-6|Degeneration/ atrophy of olfactory epithelium (male rats)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|7x10<sup>-1</sup>|BMC<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|7.2|Medium/High|1000
Methyl parathion|298-00-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)|1634-04-4|Increased absolute and relative liver and kidney weights and increased severity of spontaneous renal lesions (females), increased prostration (females), and swollen periocular tissue (males and females)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3|NOAEL (HEC)|259|Medium|0545
4-(2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxy) butyric acid (MCPB)|94-81-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2-(2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxy)propionic acid (MCPP)|93-65-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA)|94-74-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (monomeric MDI) and polymeric MDI (PMDI)|101-68-8|Hyperplasia of olfactory epithelium|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|6x10<sup>-4</sup>|BMC<sup>10</sup> (HEC)|0.06|Medium|0529
4,4'-Methylene bis(N,N'-dimethyl)aniline|101-61-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Methylmercury (MeHg)|22967-92-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2-Methylnaphthalene|91-57-6|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
4-Methylphenol|106-44-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
3-Methylphenol|108-39-4|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
2-Methylphenol|95-48-7|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Metolachlor|51218-45-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Metribuzin|21087-64-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Mirex|2385-85-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Molinate|2212-67-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Molybdenum|7439-98-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Monochloramine|10599-90-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Naled|300-76-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Naphthalene|91-20-3|Nasal effects: hyperplasia and metaplasia in respiratory and olfactory epithelium, respectively|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-3</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|9.3|Medium|0436
Napropamide|15299-99-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Nickel carbonyl|13463-39-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Nickel refinery dust|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Nickel subsulfide|12035-72-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Nickel, soluble salts|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Nitrapyrin|1929-82-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Nitrate|14797-55-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Nitric oxide|10102-43-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Nitrite|14797-65-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Nitrobenzene|98-95-3|Bronchiolization of the alveoli and olfactory degeneration|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|9x10<sup>-3</sup>|BMCL<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|0.26|Medium|0079
Nitrogen dioxide|10102-44-0|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Nitroguanidine|556-88-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
p-Nitrophenol|100-02-7|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
2-Nitropropane|79-46-9|Liver focal vacuolization and nodules|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-2</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|16|Low|0519
N-Nitroso-N-methylethylamine|10595-95-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
N-Nitroso-di-n-butylamine|924-16-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
N-Nitrosodi-N-propylamine|621-64-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
N-Nitrosodiethanolamine|1116-54-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
N-Nitrosodiethylamine|55-18-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
N-Nitrosodimethylamine|62-75-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine|86-30-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine|930-55-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Nonabromodiphenyl ether|63936-56-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Norflurazon|27314-13-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
NuStar|85509-19-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Octabromodiphenyl ether|32536-52-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX)|2691-41-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Oryzalin|19044-88-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Oxadiazon|19666-30-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Oxamyl|23135-22-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Oxyfluorfen|42874-03-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Paclobutrazol|76738-62-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Paraquat|1910-42-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Parathion|56-38-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Pendimethalin|40487-42-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Pentabromodiphenyl ether|32534-81-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,2',4,4',5-Pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99)|60348-60-9|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Pentachlorobenzene|608-93-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Pentachlorocyclopentadiene|25329-35-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB)|82-68-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Pentachlorophenol|87-86-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Pentafluoroethane|354-33-6|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Perchlorate (ClO4) and Perchlorate Salts|7790-98-9|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Permethrin|52645-53-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Phenanthrene|85-01-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Phenmedipham|13684-63-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Phenol|108-95-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
m-Phenylenediamine|108-45-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Phenylmercuric acetate|62-38-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Phosalone|2310-17-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Phosgene|75-44-5|Collagen staining indicative of fibrosis|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-4</sup>|BMDL<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|0.03|Medium|0487
Phosmet|732-11-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Phosphine|7803-51-2|Decreased body weight|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-4</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.25|Low|0090
Phosphoric acid|7664-38-2|Bronchiolar fibrosis|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>-2</sup>|BMC<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|3.4|Medium|0697
Phthalic anhydride|85-44-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Picloram|1918-02-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Pirimiphos-methyl|29232-93-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)|1336-36-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Potassium cyanide|151-50-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Potassium silver cyanide|506-61-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Prochloraz|67747-09-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Prometon|1610-18-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Prometryn|7287-19-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Pronamide|23950-58-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Propachlor|1918-16-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Propanil|709-98-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Propargite|2312-35-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Propargyl alcohol|107-19-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Propazine|139-40-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Propham|122-42-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Propiconazole|60207-90-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
beta-Propiolactone|57-57-8|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Propionaldehyde|123-38-6|Atrophy of olfactory epithelium|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|8x10<sup>-3</sup>|BMCL<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|8|Low/Medium|1011
Propylene glycol|57-55-6|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Propylene glycol monoethyl ether|52125-53-8|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Propylene glycol monomethyl ether (PGME)|107-98-2|Mild reversible sedation|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2|NOAEL (HEC)|658|Medium|0404
Propylene oxide|75-56-9|Nest-like infolds of the nasal respiratory epithelium|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-2</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|2.9|Medium|0403
Propyleneimine|75-55-8|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Pursuit|81335-77-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Pydrin|51630-58-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Pyrene|129-00-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Pyridine|110-86-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Quinalphos|13593-03-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Quinoline|91-22-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Quinone|106-51-4|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Radium 226,228|7440-14-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Radon 222|14859-67-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Refractory ceramic fibers|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Resmethrin|10453-86-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Rotenone|83-79-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Savey|78587-05-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Selenious acid|7783-00-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Selenium and Compounds|7782-49-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Selenium sulfide|7446-34-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Selenourea|630-10-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Sethoxydim|74051-80-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Silver|7440-22-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Silver cyanide|506-64-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Simazine|122-34-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Sodium azide|26628-22-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Sodium cyanide|143-33-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate|148-18-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Sodium fluoroacetate|62-74-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Strontium|7440-24-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Strychnine|57-24-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Styrene|100-42-5|CNS effects|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|1|NOAEL (HEC)|34|Medium|0104
Systhane|88671-89-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Tebuthiuron|34014-18-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Terbacil|5902-51-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Terbutryn|886-50-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Tetrabromodiphenyl ether|40088-47-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47)|5436-43-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene|95-94-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Tetrachlorocyclopentadiene|695-77-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin|1746-01-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane|630-20-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane|79-34-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Tetrachloroethylene|127-18-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol|58-90-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Tetrachlorovinphos|961-11-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Tetraethyl lead|78-00-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate|3689-24-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane|811-97-2|Leydig cell hyperplasia|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|8x10<sup>1</sup>|BMC<sub>10</sub> (HEC)|8200|Medium|0656
Thallium (I), soluble salts|Various|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Thallium acetate|563-68-8|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Thallium carbonate|6533-73-9|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Thallium chloride|7791-12-0|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Thallium nitrate|10102-45-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Thallium oxide|1314-32-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Thallium selenite|12039-52-0|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Thallium(I) sulfate|7446-18-6|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Thiobencarb|28249-77-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Thiophanate-methyl|23564-05-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Thiram|137-26-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Toluene|108-88-3|Neurological effects in occupationally-exposed workers (other effect:)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|5|NOAEL (ADJ)|46|High|0118
2,4-/2,6-Toluene diisocyanate mixture (TDI)|26471-62-5|Chronic lung-function decline|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|7x10<sup>-5</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|0.002|Medium|0503
Toxaphene|8001-35-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Tralomethrin|66841-25-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Triallate|2303-17-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Triasulfuron|82097-50-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,2,4-Tribromobenzene|615-54-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Tribromochloromethane|594-15-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Tribromodiphenyl ether|49690-94-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Tributyltin oxide (TBTO)|56-35-9|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113)|76-13-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Trichloroacetic acid|76-03-9|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene|120-82-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Trichlorocyclopentadiene|77323-84-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,1,2-Trichloroethane|79-00-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,1,1-Trichloroethane|71-55-6|Liver histopathologic changes|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|5|NOEL (HEC)|1553|Medium|0197
Trichloroethylene|79-01-6|Decreased thymus weight in female B6C3F1 mice (immunotoxicity)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|0.002|LOAEL (HEC<sub>99</sub>)|0.19|High|0199
Trichloroethylene|79-01-6|Increased fetal cardiac malformations in Sprague-Dawley rats (heart malformations)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|0.002|BMDL<sub>01</sub> (HEC<sub>99</sub>)|0.021|High|0199
Trichlorofluoromethane|75-69-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol|95-95-4|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol|88-06-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
2(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) propionic acid (2,4,5-TP)|93-72-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T)|93-76-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,1,2-Trichloropropane|598-77-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
1,2,3-Trichloropropane|96-18-4|peribronchial lymphoid hyperplasia in male rats|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|0.0003|BMCL (HEC)|0.90|Low|0200
Tricresol|1319-77-3|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Tridiphane|58138-08-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Triethylamine|121-44-8|No observed adverse effects (other effect: Inflammation of the nasal passage)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|7x10<sup>-3</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|19.5|Low|0520
Triethylene glycol monobutyl ether|143-22-6|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Triethylene glycol monoethyl ether|112-50-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Trifluralin|1582-09-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane|540-84-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene|99-35-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT)|118-96-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Uranium, natural|7440-61-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Uranium, soluble salts|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Urea|57-13-6|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||||||
Vanadium pentoxide|1314-62-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Vernam|1929-77-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Vinclozolin|50471-44-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Vinyl acetate|108-05-4|Nasal epithelial lesions|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|2x10<sup>-1</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|5|High|0512
Vinyl bromide|593-60-2|Hypertrophy, basophilic and eosinophilic foci, in the liver|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-3</sup>|LOAEL (HEC)|7.7|Low|0671
Vinyl chloride|75-01-4|Liver cell polymorphism|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>-1</sup>|NOAEL (HEC)|2.5|Medium|1001
Warfarin|81-81-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
White phosphorus|7723-14-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Xylenes|1330-20-7|Impaired motor coordination (decreased rotarod performance)|mg /m<sup>3</sup>|0.1|NOAEL (HEC)|39|Medium|0270
Zinc and Compounds|7440-66-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Zinc cyanide|557-21-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Zinc phosphide|1314-84-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
Zineb|12122-67-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||||||
===Weight-of-Evidence Characterizations===
<t2b index = "Substance,Observation type" locations = "CASRN,WOE 86 Guidelines,WOE Narrative,IRIS identifier" unit = "no unit">
Acenaphthene|83-32-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0442
Acenaphthylene| 208-96-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on no human data and inadequate data from animal bioassays.|0443
Acephate|30560-19-1|C, Possible human carcinogen|The classification is based on increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas and adenomas in female mice.|0354
Acetaldehyde|75-07-0|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Based on increased incidence of nasal tumors in male and female rats and laryngeal tumors in male and female hamsters after inhalation exposure.|0290
Acetochlor|34256-82-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0521
Acetone|67-64-1|NA, Not applicable. This substance was not assessed using the 1986 cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1986).|In accordance with the Draft Revised Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1999) data are inadequate for an assessment of the human carcinogenic potential of acetone.|0128
Acetonitrile|75-05-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Under the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), the carcinogenic potential of ACN following inhalation, oral, or dermal exposure is best characterized as "cannot be determined because the existing evidence is composed of conflicting data (e.g., some evidence is suggestive of carcinogenic effects, but other equally pertinent evidence does not confirm any concern)."|0205
Acetophenone|98-86-2|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on no human data and no animal data.|0321
Acetyl chloride|75-36-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human data or animal data.|0518
Acifluorfen, sodium|62476-59-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0192
Acrolein|107-02-8|NA, Not applicable. This substance was not assessed using the 1986 cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1986).|Under the Draft Revised Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1999), the potential carcinogenicity of acrolein cannot be determined because the existing data are inadequate for an assessment of human carcinogenic potential for either the oral or inhalation route of exposure. There are no adequate human studies of the carcinogenic potential of acrolein. Collectively, experimental studies provide inadequate evidence that acrolein causes cancer in laboratory animals.|0364
Acrylamide|79-06-1|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Based on inadequate human data and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals; significantly increased incidences of benign and/or malignant tumors at multiple sites in both sexes of rats, and carcinogenic effects in a series of one-year limited bioassays in mice by several routes of exposures. The classification is supported by positive genotoxicity data, adduct formation activity, and structure-activity relationships to vinyl carbamate and acrylonitrile.|0286
Acrylic acid|79-10-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0002
Acrylonitrile|107-13-1|B1, Probable human carcinogen - based on limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans|The observation of a statistically significant increase in incidence of lung cancer in exposed workers and observation of tumors, generally astrocytomas in the brain, in studies in two rat strains exposed by various routes (drinking water, gavage, and inhalation) forms the basis for this classification.|0206
Adiponitrile|111-69-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human and no animal cancer data were available. Adiponitrile was negative for mutagenicity in Salmonella with and without activation.|0515
Alachlor|15972-60-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0129
Alar|1596-84-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0287
Aldicarb|116-06-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Aldicarb was not found to induce statistically significant increases in tumor incidence in mice or rats in feeding studies or mice in a skin painting study. In the feeding studies there were, however, significant trends in pituitary tumors in female rats and fibrosarcomas in the male mouse. This evidence, together with the fact that less than maximum tolerated doses were used, indicates that the available assays are inadequate to assess the carcinogenic potential of aldicarb.|0003
Aldicarb sulfone|1646-88-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0312
Aldrin|309-00-2|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Orally administered aldrin produced significant increases in tumor responses in three different strains of mice in both males and females. Tumor induction has been observed for structurally related chemicals, including dieldrin, a metabolite.|0130
Ally|74223-64-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0288
Allyl alcohol|107-18-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0004
Allyl chloride|107-05-1|C, Possible human carcinogen|Classification is based on a low (but biologically important) incidence of forestomach tumors in female mice and positive results in a variety of genetic toxicity tests. Allyl chloride is an alkylating agent and structurally related to probable human carcinogens.|0387
Aluminum phosphide|20859-73-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0005
Amdro|67485-29-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0207
Ametryn|834-12-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0208
4-Aminopyridine|504-24-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human data and no animal data available.|0440
Amitraz|33089-61-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0334
Ammonia|7664-41-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0422
Ammonium acetate|631-61-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human data and no animal data|0517
Ammonium methacrylate|16325-47-6|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human data and no animal data|0516
Ammonium sulfamate|7773-06-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0007
Aniline|62-53-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Induction of tumors of the spleen and the body cavity in two strains of rat, and some supporting genetic toxicological evidence.|0350
ortho-Anisidine|90-04-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0610
Anthracene|120-12-7|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on no human data and inadequate data from animal bioassays.|0434
Antimony|7440-36-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0006
Antimony trioxide|1309-64-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0676
Apollo|74115-24-5|C, Possible human carcinogen|Based on an increase in thyroid gland follicular cell tumors in male rats and supportive findings in pituitary/thyroid hormone activity.|0008
Aramite|140-57-8|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Based on no human data and sufficient data from animal bioassays including increased incidence of liver tumors and/or neoplastic nodules in three strains of male and female rats and males of one strain of mice, and extrahepatic biliary system tumors in dogs following chronic oral exposure.|0473
Aroclor 1016|12674-11-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0462
Aroclor 1248|12672-29-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0649
Aroclor 1254|11097-69-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0389
Arsenic, inorganic|7440-38-2|A, Human Carcinogen| Based on sufficient evidence from human data. An increased lung cancer mortality was observed in multiple human populations exposed primarily through inhalation. Also, increased mortality from multiple internal organ cancers (liver, kidney, lung, and bladder) and an increased incidence of skin cancer were observed in populations consuming drinking water high in inorganic arsenic.|0278
Arsine|7784-42-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0672
Asbestos|1332-21-4|A, Human Carcinogen|Observation of increased mortality and incidence of lung cancer, mesotheliomas and gastrointestinal cancer in occupationally exposed workers are consistent across investigators and study populations. Animal studies by inhalation in two strains of rats showed similar findings for lung cancer and mesotheliomas. Animal evidence for carcinogenicity via ingestion is limited (male rats fed intermediate-range chrysotile fibers; i.e., >10 um length, developed benign polyps), and epidemiologic data in this regard are inadequate.|0371
Assure|76578-14-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on no human data and inadequate animal data.|0335
Asulam|3337-71-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0284
Atrazine|1912-24-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0209
Avermectin B1|65195-55-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0381
Azobenzene|103-33-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Azobenzene induced invasive sarcomas in the spleen and other abdominal organs in male and female F344 rats following dietary administration. It is genotoxic and may be converted to benzidine, a known human carcinogen, under the acidic conditions in the stomach.|0351
Barium and Compounds|7440-39-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Under the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogenic Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), barium is considered not likely to be carcinogenic to humans following oral exposure and its carcinogenic potential cannot be determined following inhalation exposure.|0010
Barium cyanide|542-62-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0009
Baygon|114-26-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0210
Bayleton|43121-43-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0131
Baythroid|68359-37-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0132
Benefin|1861-40-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0133
Benomyl|17804-35-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0011
Bentazon (Basagran)|25057-89-0|E, Evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans|Under EPA's proposed guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), Bentazon would be characterized as not likely to be carcinogenic to humans by any route of exposure.|0134
Benz[a]anthracene|56-55-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Based on no human data and sufficient data from animal bioassays. Benz[a]anthracene produced tumors in mice exposed by gavage; intraperitoneal, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection; and topical application. Benz[a]anthracene produced mutations in bacteria and in mammalian cells, and transformed mammalian cells in culture.|0454
Benzaldehyde|100-52-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0332
Benzene|71-43-2|A, Human Carcinogen|Under the proposed revised Carcinogen Risk Assessment Guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1996), benzene is characterized as a known human carcinogen for all routes of exposure based upon convincing human evidence as well as supporting evidence from animal studies. (U.S. EPA, 1979, 1985, 1998; ATSDR, 1997).|0276
Benzidine|92-87-5|A, Human Carcinogen|Observation of increased incidence of bladder cancer and bladder cancer-related deaths in exposed workers|0135
Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP)|50-32-8|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Human data specifically linking benzo[a]pyrene (BAP) to a carcinogenic effect are lacking. There are, however, multiple animal studies in many species demonstrating BAP to be carcinogenic following administration by numerous routes. BAP has produced positive results in numerous genotoxicity assays.|0136
Benzo[b]fluoranthene|205-99-2|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Based on no human data and sufficient data from animal bioassays. Benzo[b]fluoranthene produced tumors in mice after lung implantation, intraperitoneal (i.p.) or subcutaneous (s.c.) injection, and skin painting.|0453
Benzo[g,h,i]perylene|191-24-2|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on no human data and inadequate animal data from lung implant, skin-painting and subcutaneous injection bioassays.|0461
Benzo[k]fluoranthene|207-08-9|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Based on no human data and sufficient data from animal bioassays. Benzo[k]fluoranthene produced tumors after lung implantation in mice and when administered with a promoting agent in skin-painting studies. Equivocal results have been found in a lung adenoma assay in mice. Benzo[k]fluoranthene is mutagenic in bacteria.|0452
Benzoic acid|65-85-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human data and inadequate data from animal bioassays|0355
Benzotrichloride|98-07-7|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Based on inadequate human data and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals; namely, significantly increased incidences of benign and malignant tumors at multiple sites in one strain of female mice treated orally, dermally, and by inhalation. There is also evidence of mutagenicity in a variety of test systems.|0388
Benzyl chloride|100-44-7|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Based on inadequate human data and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals; namely significantly increased incidences of benign and malignant tumors at multiple sites in both sexes of mice and a significant increase in thyroid tumors in female rats. There was evidence of mutagenicity in a variety of test systems.|0393
Beryllium and compounds|7440-41-7|B1, Probable human carcinogen - based on limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans|Using the 1996 proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment, inhaled beryllium would be characterized as a "likely" carcinogen in humans, and the human carcinogenic potential of ingested beryllium cannot be determined.|0012
Bidrin|141-66-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0211
Biphenthrin|82657-04-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0333
1,1-Biphenyl|92-52-4|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human data and inadequate studies in mice and rats. Results of genotoxicity tests are generally negative.|0013
Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether|108-60-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0407
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane|111-91-1|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human data and no animal data.|0522
Bis(chloroethyl)ether (BCEE)|111-44-4|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Positive carcinogenicity results in two strains of mice and evidence of mutagenicity|0137
Bis(chloromethyl)ether (BCME)|542-88-1|A, Human Carcinogen|Statistically significant increases in lung tumors (oat cell carcinomas) observed in six studies of exposed workers and bioassay data from rats and mice.|0375
Bisphenol A.|80-05-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0356
Boron and Compounds|7440-42-8|||0410
Bromate|15541-45-4|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Under the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), Bromate should be evaluated as a likely human carcinogen by the oral route of exposure. Insufficient data are available to evaluate the human carcinogenic potential of Bromate by the inhalation route.|1002
Brominated dibenzofurans|NA|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No data in humans or animals|0514
Bromochloromethane|74-97-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on the lack of data regarding the carcinogenicity of bromochloromethane in humans or animals; however, there are data indicative of genotoxic effects and structural relationships to halogenated methanes classified as B2 probable human carcinogens.|0532
Bromodichloromethane|75-27-4|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Based on inadequate human data and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in two animal species (mice and rats) as shown by increased incidence of kidney tumors and tumors of the large intestine in male and female rats, kidney tumors in male mice, and liver tumors in female mice.|0213
p-Bromodiphenyl ether|101-55-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human data and inadequate animal data.|0490
Bromoform|75-25-2|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Based on inadequate human data and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals, namely an increased incidence of tumors after oral administration of bromoform in rats and intraperitoneal administration in mice. Bromoform is genotoxic in several assay systems. Also, bromoform is structurally related to other trihalomethanes (e.g., chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane) which have been verified as either probable or possible carcinogens.|0214
Bromomethane|74-83-9|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Inadequate human and animal data: a single mortality study from which direct exposure associations could not be deduced and studies in several animal species with too few animals, too brief exposure or observation time for adequate power. Bromomethane has shown genotoxicity.|0015
Bromotrichloromethane|75-62-7|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on no data regarding the carcinogenicity of bromotrichloromethane in humans or animals.|0533
Bromoxynil|1689-84-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0289
Bromoxynil octanoate|1689-99-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0138
1,3-Butadiene|106-99-0|NA, Not applicable. This substance was not assessed using the 1986 cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1986).|Under EPA's 1999 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1999), 1,3-butadiene is characterized as carcinogenic to humans by inhalation. This characterization is supported by the total weight of evidence provided by the following: (1) sufficient evidence from epidemiologic studies of the majority of U.S. workers occupationally exposed to 1,3-butadiene, either to the monomer or to the polymer by inhalation, showing increased lymphohematopoietic cancers and a dose-response relationship for leukemias in polymer workers (see Section II.A.2), (2) sufficient evidence in laboratory animal studies showing that 1,3-butadiene causes tumors at multiple sites in mice and rats by inhalation (see Section II.A.3), and (3) numerous studies consistently demonstrating that 1,3-butadiene is metabolized into genotoxic metabolites by experimental animals and humans (see Section II.A.4). The specific mechanisms of 1,3-butadiene-induced carcinogenesis are unknown; however, the scientific evidence strongly suggests that the carcinogenic effects are mediated by genotoxic metabolites of 1,3-butadiene, i.e., the monoepoxide, the diepoxide, and the epoxydiol.|0139
n-Butanol|71-36-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on no human and no animal cancer data.|0140
Butyl benzyl phthalate|85-68-7|C, Possible human carcinogen|Based on statistically significant increase in mononuclear cell leukemia in female rats; the response in male rats was inconclusive and there was no such response in mice.|0293
Butylate|2008-41-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0215
t-Butylchloride|507-20-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on no human carcinogenicity data and inadequate animal data.|0417
Butylphthalyl butylglycolate (BPBG)|85-70-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0016
Cacodylic acid|75-60-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human data and inadequate data in animals|0587
Cadmium|7440-43-9|B1, Probable human carcinogen - based on limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans|Limited evidence from occupational epidemiologic studies of cadmium is consistent across investigators and study populations. There is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in rats and mice by inhalation and intramuscular and subcutaneous injection. Seven studies in rats and mice wherein cadmium salts (acetate, sulfate, chloride) were administered orally have shown no evidence of carcinogenic response.|0141
Calcium cyanide|592-01-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0017
Caprolactam|105-60-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0357
Captafol|2425-06-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0216
Captan|133-06-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0018
Carbaryl|63-25-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0019
Carbofuran|1563-66-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0218
Carbon disulfide|75-15-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0217
Carbon tetrachloride|56-23-5|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Carcinogenicity in rats, mice, and hamsters|0020
Carbonyl sulfide|463-58-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0617
Carbosulfan|55285-14-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0021
Carboxin|5234-68-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0022
Cerium Oxide and Cerium Compounds|1306-38-3|||1018
Chloral hydrate|302-17-0|C, Possible human carcinogen|Under the 1996 proposed guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), chloral hydrate shows suggestive evidence of human carcinogenicity by the oral route of exposure.|0304
Chloramben|133-90-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0023
Chlordane (Technical)|12789-03-6|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Under the 1996 Proposed Guidelines, chlordane would be characterized as a likely carcinogen by all routes of exposure.|0142
Chlordecone (Kepone)|143-50-0|||1017
Chlorimuron-ethyl|90982-32-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0406
Chlorine|7782-50-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0405
Chlorine cyanide|506-77-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0024
Chlorine dioxide|10049-04-4|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Under the draft Carcinogen Assessment Guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1996), the human carcinogenicity of chlorine dioxide cannot be determined because no satisfactory human or animal studies assessing the chronic carcinogenic potential of chlorine dioxide have been located.|0496
Chlorite (sodium salt)|7758-19-2|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Under the draft Carcinogen Assessment Guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1996), the human carcinogenicity of chlorite cannot be determined because of a lack of human data and limitations in animal studies.|0648
1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane|75-68-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0661
2-Chloroacetophenone|532-27-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0537
p-Chloroaniline|106-47-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0320
Chlorobenzene|108-90-7|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human data, inadequate animal data and predominantly negative genetic toxicity data in bacterial, yeast, and mouse lymphoma cells.|0399
Chlorobenzilate|510-15-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0400
1-Chlorobutane|109-69-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on no human carcinogenicity data and inadequate animal data.|0415
2-Chlorobutane|78-86-4|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Based on no human carcinogenicity data and inadequate animal data.|0416
Chlorocyclopentadiene|41851-50-7|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Lack of data concerning carcinogenicity in humans or animals.|0430
Chlorodifluoromethane|75-45-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0657
Chloroform|67-66-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|Under the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996; U.S. EPA, 1999), chloroform is likely to be carcinogenic to humans by all routes of exposure under high-exposure conditions that lead to cytotoxicity and regenerative hyperplasia in susceptible tissues (U.S. EPA, 1998a,b). Chloroform is not likely to be carcinogenic to humans by any route of exposure under exposure conditions that do not cause cytotoxicity and cell regeneration. This weight-of-evidence conclusion is based on: 1) observations in animals exposed by both oral and inhalation pathways which indicate that sustained or repeated cytotoxicity with secondary regenerative hyperplasia precedes, and is probably required for, hepatic and renal neoplasia; 2) there are no epidemiological data specific to chloroform and, at most, equivocal epidemiological data related to drinking water exposures that cannot necessarily be negative, although there are some scattered positive results that generally have limitations such as excessively high dose or with confounding factors. Thus, the weigh-of-evidence of the genotoxicity data on chloroform supports a conclusion that chloroform is not strongly mutagenic, and the genotoxicity is not likely to be the predominant mode of action underlying the carcinogenic potential of chloroform. Although no cancer data exist for exposures via the dermal pathway, the weight-of-evidence conclusion is considered to be applicable to this pathway as well, because chloroform absorbed through the skin and into the blood is expected to be metabolized and to cause toxicity in much the same way as chloroform absorbed by other exposure routes.|0025
Chloromethyl methyl ether (CMME)|107-30-2|A, Human Carcinogen|The observation of an increased incidence of respiratory cancer in exposed workers and the observation of respiratory tumors in mice, rats, and hamsters exposed by inhalation forms the basis for this classification.|0245
beta-Chloronaphthalene|91-58-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0463
2-Chlorophenol|95-57-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0303
p-Chlorophenyl methyl sulfide|123-09-1|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human or animal studies found in the available literature|0623
p-Chlorophenyl methyl sulfone|98-57-7|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human or animal studies found in the available literature|0624
p-Chlorophenyl methyl sulfoxide|934-73-6|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|No human or animal studies found in the available literature|0625
Chlorothalonil|1897-45-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0143
o-Chlorotoluene|95-49-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0412
Chlorpropham|101-21-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0283
Chlorpyrifos|2921-88-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0026
Chlorsulfuron|64902-72-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0027
Chromium(III), insoluble salts|16065-83-1|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|Using the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (EPA, 1996), there are inadequate data to determine the potential carcinogenicity of trivalent chromium, as discussed below. However, the classification of hexavalent chromium as a known human carcinogen raises a concern for the carcinogenic potential of trivalent chromium.|0028
Chromium(VI)|18540-29-9|A, Human Carcinogen (Inhalation route)D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity (Oral route)|Under the proposed guidelines (EPA, 1996), Cr(VI) would be characterized as a known human carcinogen by the inhalation route of exposure. The oral carcinogenicity of Cr(VI) cannot be determined. No data were located in the available literature that suggested that Cr(VI) is carcinogenic by the oral route of exposure.|0144
Chrysene|218-01-9|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals|No human data and sufficient data from animal bioassays. Chrysene produced carcinomas and malignant lymphoma in mice after intraperitoneal injection and skin carcinomas in mice following dermal exposure. Chrysene produced chromosomal abnormalities in hamsters and mouse germ cells after gavage exposure, positive responses in bacterial gene mutation assays and transformed mammalian cells exposed in culture.|0455
Coke oven emissions|8007-45-2|A, Human Carcinogen|Studies of coke oven workers have shown increased risk of mortality from cancer of the lung, trachea and bronchus; cancer of the kidney; cancer of the prostate; and cancer at all sites combined. In animals, extracts and condensates of coke oven emissions were found to be carcinogenic in both inhalation studies and skin-painting bioassays. The mutagenicity of whole extracts and condensates, as well as their individual components, provides supportive evidence for carcinogenicity.|0395
Copper|7440-50-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity|There are no human data, inadequate animal data from assays of copper compounds, and equivocal mutagenicity data.|0368
Copper cyanide|544-92-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0029
Creosote|8001-58-9|B1, Probable human carcinogen - based on limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans|Limited evidence of the association between occupational creosote contact and subsequent tumor formation, sufficient evidence of local and distant tumor formation after dermal application to mice, and some evidence of mutagenic activity, as well as the well-documented carcinogenicity of other coal tar products to humans.|0360
Crotonaldehyde|123-73-9|C, Possible human carcinogen|Based on no human data and an increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas and hepatic neoplastic nodules (combined) in male F344 rats. The possible carcinogenicity of crotonaldehyde is supported by genotoxic activity and the expected reactivity of croton oil and aldehyde. Crotonaldehyde is also a suspected metabolite of N-nitrosopyrrolidine, a probable human carcinogen.|0464
Cumene|98-82-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Under the proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), it is concluded that the carcinogenic potential of cumene cannot be determined because no adequate data, such as well-conducted long-term animal studies or reliable human epidemiological studies, are available for any assessment.|0306
Cyanazine|21725-46-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0145
Cyanide, free|57-12-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Pertinent data regarding carcinogenicity have not been located in the available literature. |0031
Cyanogen|460-19-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0032
Cyanogen bromide|506-68-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0358
Cyclohexane|110-82-7|NA, Not applicable. This substance was not assessed using the 1986 cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1986). |Cyclohexane is characterized as "Data are inadequate for an assessment of human carcinogenic potential" (U.S. EPA, 1999).|1005
Cyclohexanone|108-94-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0219
Cyclohexylamine|108-91-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0319
Cyhalothrin/Karate|68085-85-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0279
Cypermethrin|52315-07-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0380
Cyromazine|66215-27-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0220
Dacthal|1861-32-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0221
Dalapon, sodium salt|75-99-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0146
Danitol|39515-41-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0034
2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'-Decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209)|1163-19-5|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on no human data and limited evidence of carcinogenicity in animals; namely, significantly increased incidences of neoplastic liver nodules in male and female rats and increased incidences of hepatocellular adenomas or carcinomas (combined) in male mice. |0035
Demeton|8065-48-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0036
Di (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)|117-81-7|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Orally administered DEHP produced significant dose-related increases in liver tumor responses in rats and mice of both sexes. |0014
Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate|103-23-1|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on an absence of human data and increased incidence of liver tumors in female mice. Except for a positive dominant lethal assay, there was no evidence of genotoxicity; this compound does, however, exhibit structural relationships to other nongenotoxic compounds classified as probable and possible human carcinogens. |0420
2,4-Diaminotoluene|95-80-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0536
Diazomethane|334-88-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0616
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene|53-70-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on no human data and sufficient data from animal bioassays. Dibenz[a,h]anthracene produced carcinomas in mice following oral or dermal exposure and injection site tumors in several species following subcutaneous or intramuscular administration. Dibenz[a,h]anthracene has induced DNA damage and gene mutations in bacteria as well as gene mutations and transformation in several types of mammalian cell cultures. |0456
Dibenzofuran|132-64-9|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human data and no animal data for dibenzofuran alone. |0429
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)|96-12-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0414
1,4-Dibromobenzene|106-37-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0148
Dibromochloromethane|124-48-1|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on inadequate human data and limited evidence of carcinogenicity in animals; namely, positive carcinogenic evidence in B6C3Fl mice (males and females), together with positive mutagenicity data, and structural similarity to other trihalomethanes, which are known animal carcinogens. |0535
Dibromodichloromethane|594-18-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on the lack of data regarding the carcinogenicity of dibromodichloromethane in humans or animals. |0222
p,p'-Dibromodiphenyl ether|2050-47-7|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and no animal data available. |0491
1,2-Dibromoethane|106-93-4|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Increased incidences of a variety of tumors in rats and mice in both sexes by three routes of administration at both the site of application and at distant sites. EDB is mutagenic in various in vitro and in vivo assays. EDB is structurally similar to DBCP, a probable human carcinogen and to EDC, a probable human carcinogen. |0361
Dibutyl phthalate|84-74-2|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Pertinent data regarding carcinogenicity was not located in the available literature. |0038
Dicamba|1918-00-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0223
Dichloroacetic acid|79-43-6|NA, Not applicable. This substance was not assessed using the 1986 cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1986). |EPA believes that DCA is likely to be a carcinogen in humans.|0654
1,3-Dichlorobenzene|541-73-1|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human data, no animal data and limited genetic data. |
1,4-Dichlorobenzene|106-46-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0447
1,2-Dichlorobenzene|95-50-1|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human data and evidence of both negative and positive trends for carcinogenic responses in rats and mice. |0552
3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine|91-94-1|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on statistically significantly increased tumor incidences in rats, mice and dogs. Additional support is provided by positive evidence of genotoxicity and structural relationship to the known human bladder carcinogen benzidine. |0491
Dichlorodifluoromethane|75-71-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0361
p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane (DDD)|72-54-8|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on an increased incidence of lung tumors in male and female mice, liver tumors in male mice and thyroid tumors in male rats. DDD is structurally similar to, and is a known metabolite of DDT, a probable human carcinogen. |0347
p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE)|72-55-9|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Increased incidence of liver tumors including carcinomas in two strains of mice and in hamsters and of thyroid tumors in female rats by diet. |0328
p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)|50-29-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Observation of tumors (generally of the liver) in seven studies in various mouse strains and three studies in rats. DDT is structurally similar to other probable carcinogens, such as DDD and DDE. |0147
1,2-Dichloroethane|107-06-2|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on the induction of several tumor types in rats and mice treated by gavage and lung papillomas in mice after topical application |0149
1,1-Dichloroethane|75-34-3|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on no human data and limited evidence of carcinogenicity in two animal species (rats and mice) as shown by an increased incidence of mammary gland adenocarcinomas and hemangiosarcomas in female rats and an increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas and benign uterine polyps in mice. |0409
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene|156-59-2|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no data in humans or animals and generally nonpositive results in mutagenicity assays.|0418
1,1-Dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE)|75-35-4|C, Possible human carcinogen |Under the draft revised guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment (U.S. EPA, 1999), EPA concludes 1,1-DCE exhibits suggestive evidence of carcinogenicity but not sufficient evidence to assess human carcinogenic potential following inhalation exposure in studies in rodents. Male mice developed kidney tumors at one exposure in a lifetime bioassay, a finding tempered by the absence of similar results in female mice or male or female rats and by the enzymatic differences (i.e., CYP2E1) between male mice and female mice, male and female rats, and human kidney cells. Limited evidence of genotoxicity has been reported in bacterial systems with metabolic activation. The data for 1,1-DCE are inadequate for an assessment of human carcinogenic potential by the oral route, based on the absence of statistically or biologically significant tumors in limited bioassays in rats and mice balanced against the suggestive evidence in male mice in a single bioassay by inhalation and the limited evidence of genotoxicity. The human epidemiological results on the carcinogenicity of 1,1-DCE are too limited to draw useful conclusions. EPA concludes that the results of kidney tumors in one sex and one exposure in a single species of rodents are too limited to support an exposure-response assessment.|0039
Dichloromethane|75-09-2|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on inadequate human data and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals; increased incidence of hepatocellular neoplasms and alveolar/bronchiolar neoplasms in male and female mice, and increased incidence of benign mammary tumors in both sexes of rats, salivary gland sarcomas in male rats and leukemia in female rats. This classification is supported by some positive genotoxicity data, although results in mammalian systems are generally negative. |0070
2,4-Dichlorophenol|120-83-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0041
4-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)butyric acid (2,4-DB)|94-82-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0033
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)|94-75-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0150
1,2-Dichloropropane|78-87-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0601
2,3-Dichloropropanol|616-23-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0465
1,3-Dichloropropene|542-75-6|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Although the available human data are inadequate, 1,3-dichloropropene is characterized as "likely" to be a human carcinogen in accordance with the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996).|0224
Dichlorvos|62-73-7|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Significant increases in forestomach tumors in female and male B6C3F1 mice and leukemias and pancreatic acinar adenomas in Fischer 344 rats. Supporting evidence included observation of tumors at other sites in the rat and observation of mutagenicity for both dichlorvos and a major metabolite dichloroacetaldehyde. A structurally related material, dichloropropene, also induces forestomach tumors in rodents. |0151
Dicofol|115-32-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||0324
Dieldrin|60-57-1|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Dieldrin is carcinogenic in seven strains of mice when administered orally. Dieldrin is structurally related to compounds (aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, and chlorendic acid) which produce tumors in rodents. |0225
Diesel engine exhaust|NA|NA, Not applicable. This substance was not assessed using the 1986 cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1986). |Using U.S. EPA's revised draft 1999 Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1999), diesel exhaust (DE) is likely to be carcinogenic to humans by inhalation from environmental exposures.|0642
Diethyl phthalate|84-66-2|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Pertinent data regarding carcinogenicity were not located in the available literature. |0226
Diethyl sulfate|64-67-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0615
Diethyl-p-nitrophenylphosphate|311-45-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and no animal data available. |0613
Diethylene glycol dinitrate (DEGDN)|693-21-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human or animal carcinogenic studies found in the available literature. |0643
Difenzoquat|43222-48-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0336
Diflubenzuron|35367-38-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0227
1,1-Difluoroethane|75-37-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0665
Diisopropyl methylphosphonate (DIMP)|1445-75-6|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No data from cancer bioassays or epidemiological studies are available. |0310
Dimethipin|55290-64-7|C, Possible human carcinogen |Classification is based on an elevated combined incidence of pulmonary adenomas/carcinomas in male, but not in female, CD-1 mice. A rat study is undergoing further evaluation. |0043
Dimethoate|60-51-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0044
Dimethyl phthalate|131-11-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Pertinent data regarding carcinogenicity was not located in the available literature. |0353
Dimethyl sulfate|77-78-1|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Classification is based on induction of local carcinomas following inhalation and subcutaneous exposures in rats, tumor induction in rats following prenatal exposure, and evidence suggestive of carcinogenicity in hamsters and mice by inhalation. Dimethyl sulfate alkylates cellular macromolecules and is genotoxic. |0365
Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT)|120-61-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0046
Dimethylamine|124-40-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0228
N-N-Dimethylaniline|121-69-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0229
3,3-Dimethylbenzidine|119-93-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0538
N,N-Dimethylformamide|68-12-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0511
3,4-Dimethylphenol|95-65-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0231
2,6-Dimethylphenol|576-26-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0230
2,4-Dimethylphenol|105-67-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0466
4,6-Dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol|131-89-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0322
m-Dinitrobenzene|99-65-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no data in humans and animals. |0318
o-Dinitrobenzene|528-29-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no data in humans and animals. |0633
2,4-Dinitrophenol|51-28-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0152
2,4-Dinitrotoluene|121-14-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0524
2,4-/2,6-Dinitrotoluene mixture|NA|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on multiple benign and malignant tumor types at multiple sites in both sexes of rats (2 strains) and malignant renal tumors in male mice. The classification is supported by evidence of mutagenicity. |0397
Dinoseb|88-85-7|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Dinoseb was not observed to be carcinogenic in two inadequate studies in rats and in mice. In a third study, an increase in benign liver tumors in female mice was not considered to be treatment-related. The increase was much lower in the high dose than the mid dose, there were no decreases in time to tumor, nor any evidence of any of the potentially predisposing lesions in the liver such as hypertrophy, hyperplasia or degeneration which are often associated with known hepatocellular carcinogens. |0047
1,4-Dioxane|123-91-1|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Induction of nasal cavity and liver carcinomas in multiple strains of rats, liver carcinomas in mice, and gall bladder carcinomas in guinea pigs. |0326
Diphenamid|957-51-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0232
Diphenylamine|122-39-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0048
1,2-Diphenylhydrazine|122-66-7|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Positive results of studies in both rats and mice form the basis for this classification. Two apparently negative studies lack information on compound purity, experimental design, and statistical treatment. |0049
Diquat|85-00-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0153
Disulfoton|298-04-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0154
1,4-Dithiane|505-29-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no data in humans and animals. |0531
Diuron|330-54-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0233
Dodine|2439-10-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0234
Endosulfan|115-29-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0235
Endothall|145-73-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0155
Endrin|72-20-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Oral administration of endrin did not produce carcinogenic effects in either sex of two strains of rats and three strains of mice. An NCI bioassay was suggestive of responses in male and female rats although NCI reported a no evidence conclusion. The inadequacies of several of the bioassays call into question the strength of the reported negative findings. These inadequacies and the suggestive responses in the NCI bioassay do not support a Group E classification; rather a Group D classification best reflects the equivocal data.|0363
Epichlorohydrin|106-89-8|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Human data are inadequate. Multiple studies in rats and mice administered epichlorohydrin by various routes were positive. As epichlorohydrin is a strong alkylating agent, tumors are produced at the site of application. |0050
1,2-Epoxybutane (EBU)|106-88-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0630
Ethephon|16672-87-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0297
Ethion|563-12-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0156
2-Ethoxyethanol|110-80-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0513
Ethyl acetate|141-78-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0157
Ethyl carbamate|51-79-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0629
Ethyl chloride|75-00-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0523
S-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC)|759-94-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0237
Ethyl ether|60-29-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0423
Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphorothioate (EPN)|2104-64-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0236
Ethylbenzene|100-41-4|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Nonclassifiable due to lack of animal bioassays and human studies. |0051
Ethylene diamine|107-15-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human data and inadequate animal data. |0528
Ethylene glycol|107-21-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0238
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (EGBE) (2-Butoxyethanol)|111-76-2|C, Possible human carcinogen |Because of the uncertain relevance of tumor increases observed in rats and mice to humans, the fact that EGBE is generally negative in genotoxic tests, and the lack of human data to support the findings in rodents, the human carcinogenic potential of EGBE, in accordance with the recently proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), cannot be determined at this time, but suggestive evidence exists from rodent studies.|0500
Ethylene thiourea (ETU)|96-45-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0239
Ethyleneimine|151-56-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0631
Ethylphthalyl ethylglycolate (EPEG)|84-72-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.||0052
Express|101200-48-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0379
Fenamiphos|22224-92-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0240
Fluometuron|2164-17-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0241
Fluoranthene|206-44-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human data and inadequate data from animal bioassays. |0444
Fluorene|86-73-7|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human data and inadequate data from animal bioassays. |0435
Fluorine (soluble fluoride)|7782-41-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0053
Fluridone|59756-60-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0054
Flurprimidol|56425-91-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0383
Flutolanil|66332-96-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0394
Fluvalinate|69409-94-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0281
Folpet|133-07-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Folpet has induced carcinoma and adenoma of the duodenum (an unusual site) in both sexes of both CD-1 and B6C3F1 mice. Folpet is also mutagenic in several in vitro assays and is a structural analogue of captan, which has been shown to induce carcinoma in the duodenum of two mouse strains.|0242
Fomesafen|72178-02-0|C, Possible human carcinogen |Fomesafen produced liver adenomas and carcinomas in both sexes of Charles River CD-1 mice. |0348
Fonofos|944-22-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0158
Formaldehyde|50-00-0|B1, Probable human carcinogen - based on limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans |Based on limited evidence in humans, and sufficient evidence in animals. Human data include nine studies that show statistically significant associations between site-specific respiratory neoplasms and exposure to formaldehyde or formaldehyde-containing products. An increased incidence of nasal squamous cell carcinomas was observed in long-term inhalation studies in rats and in mice. The classification is supported by in vitro genotoxicity data and formaldehyde's structural relationships to other carcinogenic aldehydes such as acetaldehyde. |0419
Formic acid|64-18-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0055
Fosetyl-al|39148-24-8|C, Possible human carcinogen |Increased incidence of urinary bladder tumors (adenomas/carcinomas combined) in male rats. No increase in tumor incidence occurred in female rats or in mice of either sex. |0159
Furan|110-00-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0056
Furfural|98-01-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0317
Furmecyclox|60568-05-0|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Dose-related increased incidence of neoplastic nodules, carcinomas and combined neoplasic nodules/carcinomas in the liver of female rats and increased incidence of liver nodules and carcinomas and urothelial tumors of the bladder in male rats. |0362
Glufosinate-ammonium|77182-82-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0247
Glycidaldehyde|765-34-4|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on no human data and an increased incidence of malignant tumors in rats and mice following subcutaneous injection of glycidaldehyde and of skin carcinomas following dermal application to mice. Glycidaldehyde shows mutagenic activity in many assay systems and is known to be highly reactive because of the epoxide and the aldehyde groups. A number of structurally related epoxide compounds are also carcinogenic in experimental animals, including the analogues glycidol and propylene oxide. |0315
Glyphosate|1071-83-6|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Inadequate evidence for oncogenicity in animals. Glyphosate was originally classified as C, possible human carcinogen, on the basis of increased incidence of renal tumors in mice. Following independent review of the slides the classification was changed to D on the basis of a lack of statistical significance and uncertainty as to a treatment-related effect. |0057
Haloxyfop-methyl|69806-40-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0467
Harmony|79277-27-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0337
Heptachlor|76-44-8|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Inadequate human data, but sufficient evidence exist from studies in which benign and malignant liver tumors were induced in three strains of mice of both sexes. Several structurally related compounds are liver carcinogens. |0243
Heptachlor epoxide|1024-57-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Sufficient evidence exists from rodent studies in which liver carcinomas were induced in two strains of mice of both sexes and in CFN female rats. Several structurally related compounds are liver carcinogens. |0160
n-Heptane|142-82-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and no animal data available. |0607
Hexabromobenzene|87-82-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0161
Hexabromodiphenyl ether|36483-60-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and no animal data available. |0494
2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-153)|68631-49-2|||1009
Hexachlorobenzene|118-74-1|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Hexachlorobenzene, when administered orally, has been shown to induce tumors in the liver, thyroid and kidney in three rodent species. |0374
Hexachlorobutadiene|87-68-3|C, Possible human carcinogen |Observation of renal neoplasms in male and female rats in one study. |0058
alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH)|319-84-6|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Dietary alpha-HCH has been shown to cause increased incidence of liver tumors in five mouse strains and in Wistar rats. |0162
beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-HCH)|319-85-7|C, Possible human carcinogen |Increases in benign liver tumors in CF1 mice fed beta-HCH |0244
delta-Hexachlorocyclohexane (delta-HCH)|319-86-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human data and inadequate data from animal bioassays. |0163
Epsilon-Hexachlorocyclohexane (epsilon-HC)|6108-10-7|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human data and inadequate data from animal bioassays. |0164
gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)|58-89-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0065
technical Hexachlorocyclohexane (t-HCH)|608-73-1|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Assays in four strains of mice have yielded positive carcinogenicity results for t-HCH administered in the diet. |0165
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCPD)|77-47-4|E, Evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans |In accordance with U.S. EPA's Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), HCCPD is not likely to be a human carcinogen by the inhalation route based on current data indicating no evidence of cancer in well-conducted bioassays in two species of rodents; the absence of increased deaths from cancer in the limited human occupational studies available; and lack of mutagenicity in a variety of test systems.|0059
Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD), mixture of 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD and 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD|57653-85-7|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Hepatic tumors in mice and rats by gavage |0166
Hexachloroethane|67-72-1|C, Possible human carcinogen |Observation of carcinomas in one mouse strain after oral exposure |0167
Hexachlorophene|70-30-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0338
Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX)|121-82-4|C, Possible human carcinogen |Hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas in female B6C3F1 mice. |0313
1,6-Hexamethylene diisocyanate|822-06-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0638
Hexazinone|51235-04-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0246
Hydrazine/Hydrazine sulfate|302-01-2|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Tumors have been induced in mice, rats and hamsters following oral, inhalation or intraperitoneal administration of hydrazine and sulfate. Hydrazine is mutagenic in numerous assays.|0352
Hydrogen Cyanide and Cyanide Salts|Various|||0060
Hydrogen chloride|7647-01-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0396
Hydrogen sulfide|7783-06-4|NA, Not applicable. This substance was not assessed using the 1986 cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1986). |Under the Draft Revised Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1999), data are inadequate for an assessment of the carcinogenic potential of hydrogen sulfide.|0061
Hydroquinone|123-31-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0508
Imazalil|35554-44-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0168
Imazaquin|81335-37-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0062
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene|193-39-5|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on no human data and sufficient data from animal bioassays. Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene produced tumors in mice following lung implants, subcutaneous injection and dermal exposure. Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene tested positive in bacterial gene mutation assays. |0457
Iprodione|36734-19-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0291
Isobutyl alcohol|78-83-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0169
Isophorone|78-59-1|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on no data in humans; limited evidence of carcinogenicity of one tumor type in one sex of one animal species as shown by an increase of preputial gland carcinomas in male rats. The apparent renal tubular cell tumor in the male rat is associated with alpha-2u-globulin, considered to be of questionable relevance to humans. |0063
Isopropalin|33820-53-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0064
Isopropyl methyl phosphonic acid (IMPA)|1832-54-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no data in humans and animals. |0530
Isoxaben|82558-50-7|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on a statistically significant increased incidence of benign liver tumors in one species. |0339
Lactofen|77501-63-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0280
Lead and compounds (inorganic)|7439-92-1|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Sufficient animal evidence. Ten rat bioassays and one mouse assay have shown statistically significant increases in renal tumors with dietary and subcutaneous exposure to several soluble lead salts. Animal assays provide reproducible results in several laboratories, in multiple rat strains with some evidence of multiple tumor sites. Short term studies show that lead affects gene expression. Human evidence is inadequate. |0277
d-Limonene|5989-27-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0682
Linuron|330-55-2|C, Possible human carcinogen |Limited evidence indicated linuron produced increases in both testicular hyperplasia and adenomas in male rats in three separate studies. Hepatocellular adenomas were observed in female mice in a single study at the highest dose group tested; the tumors were benign and showed no progression toward malignancy. |0170
Londax|83055-99-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0171
Malathion|121-75-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0248
Maleic anhydride|108-31-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0307
Maleic hydrazide|123-33-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0172
Maneb|12427-38-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0249
Manganese|7439-96-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Existing studies are inadequate to assess the carcinogenicity of manganese. |0373
Mepiquat chloride|24307-26-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0340
Mercuric chloride (HgCl2)|7487-94-7|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on the absence of data in humans and limited evidence of carcinogenicity in rats and mice. Focal papillary hyperplasia and squamous cell papillomas in the forestomach as well as thyroid follicular cell adenomas and carcinomas were observed in male rats gavaged with mercuric chloride for 2 years. The relevance of the forestomach papillomas to assessment of cancer in humans is questionable because no evidence indicated that the papillomas progressed to malignancy. The relevance of the increase in thyroid tumors has also been questioned because these tumors are generally considered to be secondary to hyperplasia; this effect was not observed in the high-dose males. It should also be noted that the authors considered the doses used in the study to exceed the MTD for male rats. In the same study, evidence for increases in squamous cell papillomas in the forestomach of female rats was equivocal. In a second study, equivocal evidence for renal adenomas and adenocarcinomas was observed in male mice; there was a significant positive trend. This tumor type is rare in mice, and the increase in incidence was statistically significant when compared with historic controls. Two other nonpositive lifetime rodent studies were considered inadequate. Mercuric chloride showed mixed results in a number of genotoxicity assays. |0692
Mercury, elemental|7439-97-6|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on inadequate human and animal data. Epidemiologic studies failed to show a correlation between exposure to elemental mercury vapor and carcinogenicity; the findings in these studies were confounded by possible or known concurrent exposures to other chemicals, including human carcinogens, as well as lifestyle factors (e.g., smoking). Findings from genotoxicity tests are severely limited and provide equivocal evidence that mercury adversely affects the number or structure of chromosomes in human somatic cells. |0370
Merphos|150-50-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0366
Merphos oxide|78-48-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0367
Metalaxyl|57837-19-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0068
Methacrylonitrile|126-98-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0359
Methamidophos|10265-92-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0250
Methanol|67-56-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0305
Methidathion|950-37-8|C, Possible human carcinogen |Increased incidence of liver adenomas, carcinomas, and combined adenomas and carcinomas in male mice. There was no shortening of time to tumor. Short-term tests and structure/activity study were not supportive of a higher classification. |0341
Methomyl|16752-77-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0069
Methoxychlor|72-43-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Human data are unavailable, and animal evidence is inconclusive. |0369
2-Methoxyethanol|109-86-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0525
Methyl acrylate|96-33-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity in animals and no human data. |0441
Methyl chloride|74-87-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Using the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), the available data suggest that methyl chloride would be classified as an agent whose carcinogenic potential cannot be determined.|1003
Methyl chlorocarbonate|79-22-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0309
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)|78-93-3|NA, Not applicable. This substance was not assessed using the 1986 cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1986). |Under the draft revised guidelines for carcinogen risk assessment (U.S. EPA, 1999), EPA concludes the data are inadequate for an assessment of human carcinogenic potential of MEK. Studies of humans chronically exposed to MEK are inconclusive, and MEK has not been tested for carcinogenicity in animals by the oral or inhalation routes.|0071
Methyl iodide|74-88-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0650
Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK)|108-10-1|NA, Not applicable. This substance was not assessed using the 1986 cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1986). |Under the draft revised cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1999), the data for MIBK are inadequate for an assessment of human carcinogenic potential. No data were located regarding the existence of an association between cancer and MIBK exposure in humans, but studies of the in vivo and in vitro genotoxicity of MIBK overwhelmingly provided negative responses.|0173
Methyl isocyanate|624-83-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0527
Methyl methacrylate|80-62-6|E, Evidence of non-carcinogenicity for humans |Under the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogenic Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), MMA is considered not likely to be carcinogenic to humans by any route of exposure because it has been evaluated in four well-conducted chronic inhalation studies in three appropriate animal species without demonstrating carcinogenic effects.|1000
Methyl parathion|298-00-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0174
Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)|1634-04-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0545
4-(2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxy) butyric acid (MCPB)|94-81-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0325
2-(2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxy)propionic acid (MCPP)|93-65-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0067
2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA)|94-74-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0066
Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (monomeric MDI) and polymeric MDI (PMDI)|101-68-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Under U.S. EPA's 1996 Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment, the carcinogenic potential of MDI/PMDI would be characterized as "cannot be determined," but for which there is suggestive evidence that raises concern for carcinogenic effects.|0529
4,4'-Methylene bis(N,N'-dimethyl)aniline|101-61-1|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Sufficient evidence from animal experiments: thyroid tumors in male and female rats, and liver carcinoma/adenoma in the female mice with a significant positive trend in male mice. There is evidence of mutagenic activity. There are no human data. |0386
Methylmercury (MeHg)|22967-92-6|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on inadequate data in humans and limited evidence of carcinogenicity in animals. Male ICR and B6C3F1 mice exposed to methylmercuric chloride in the diet had an increased incidence of renal adenomas, adenocarcinomas and carcinomas. The tumors were observed at a single site and in a single species and single sex. The renal epithelial cell hyperplasia and tumors were observed only in the presence of profound nephrotoxicity and were suggested to be a consequence of reparative changes in the cells. Several nonpositive cancer bioassays were also reported. Although genotoxicity test data suggest that methylmercury is capable of producing chromosomal and nuclear damage, there are also nonpositive genotoxicity data. |0073
2-Methylphenol|95-48-7|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on an increased incidence of skin papillomas in mice in an initiation-promotion study. The three cresol isomers produced positive results in genetic toxicity studies both alone and in combination. |0300
4-Methylphenol|106-44-5|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on an increased incidence of skin papillomas in mice in an initiation-promotion study. The three cresol isomers produced positive results in genetic toxicity studies both alone and in combination. |0302
3-Methylphenol|108-39-4|C, Possible human carcinogen |Based on an increased incidence of skin papillomas in mice in an initiation-promotion study. The three cresol isomers produced positive results in genetic toxicity studies both alone and in combination. |0301
Metolachlor|51218-45-2|C, Possible human carcinogen |Classification is based on the appearance of proliferative liver lesions (combined neoplastic nodules and carcinomas) at highest dose tested (3000 ppm) in female rats. |0074
Metribuzin|21087-64-9|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and inadequate evidence ffom animal bioassays. Metribuzin did not increase the incidence of tumors in a lifetime dietary study using CD-1 mice when compared with both concurrent and historic controls. In a 2-year feeding study in Wistar rats, no significant differences in neoplastic findings between the test and control groups were found. Short-term studies in bacteria and mammalian systems suggest that metribuzin is not mutagenic. |0075
Mirex|2385-85-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0251
Molinate|2212-67-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0298
Molybdenum|7439-98-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0425
Monochloramine|10599-90-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on inadequate human data and equivocal evidence of carcinogenicity from animal bioassays. A 2-year bioassay showed a marginal increase in mononuclear cell leukemia in female F344/N rats. No evidence of carcinogenic activity was reported in male rats or in male or female B6C3F1 mice. Genotoxicity studies, both in vitro and in vivo, gave negative results. |0644
Naled|300-76-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0175
Naphthalene|91-20-3|C, Possible human carcinogen |Using the 1996 Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment, the human carcinogenic potential of naphthalene via the oral or inhalation routes "cannot be determined" at this time based on human and animal data; however, there is suggestive evidence (observations of benign respiratory tumors and one carcinoma in female mice only exposed to naphthalene by inhalation [NTP, 1992a]). Additional support includes increase in respiratory tumors associated with exposure to 1-methylnaphthalene.|0436
Napropamide|15299-99-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0384
Nickel carbonyl|13463-39-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based upon the observation of pulmonary carcinomas and malignant tumors at various sites in rats administered nickel carbonyl by inhalation and intravenous injection, respectively. Nickel administered as nickel carbonyl binds to DNA. |0274
Nickel refinery dust|NA|A, Human Carcinogen |Human data in which exposure to nickel refinery dust caused lung and nasal tumors in sulfide nickel matte refinery workers in several epidemiologic studies in different countries, and on animal data in which carcinomas were produced in rats by inhalation and injection. |0272
Nickel subsulfide|12035-72-2|A, Human Carcinogen |Increased risks of lung and nasal cancer in humans exposed to nickel refinery dust, most of which was believed to have been nickel subsulfide; increased tumor incidences in animals by several routes of administration in several animal species and strains; and positive results in genotoxicity assays form the basis for this classification. |0273
Nickel, soluble salts|NA|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||0271
Nitrapyrin|1929-82-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0176
Nitrate|14797-55-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0076
Nitric oxide|10102-43-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0077
Nitrite|14797-65-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0078
Nitrobenzene|98-95-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no data concerning carcinogenicity in humans or animals. |0079
Nitrogen dioxide|10102-44-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0080
Nitroguanidine|556-88-7|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Pertinent data regarding carcinogenicity have not been located in the available literature. |0402
p-Nitrophenol|100-02-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0484
2-Nitropropane|79-46-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0519
N-Nitroso-N-methylethylamine|10595-95-6|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Increased incidence of tumors of the liver and other sites in two rat strains |0179
N-Nitroso-di-n-butylamine|924-16-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Increased incidences of several tumor types in rats, mice, and hamsters exposed by various routes. |0037
N-Nitrosodi-N-propylamine|621-64-7|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Increased tumor incidence at multiple sites in two rodent species and in monkeys administered the compound by various routes |0177
N-Nitrosodiethanolamine|1116-54-7|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Increased incidence of liver tumors and tumors at other sites in three strains of rats and in hamsters |0252
N-Nitrosodiethylamine|55-18-5|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Induction of tumors at multiple sites in both rodent and nonrodent species exposed by various routes. |0042
N-Nitrosodimethylamine|62-75-9|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Induction of tumors at multiple sites in both rodents and nonrodent mammals exposed by various routes. |0045
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine|86-30-6|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Increased incidence of bladder tumors in male and female rats and reticulum cell sarcomas in mice, and structural relationship to carcinogenic nitrosamines |0178
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine|930-55-2|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Tumors at more than one site have been observed in two rodent species administered nitrosopyrrolidine orally. |0081
Nonabromodiphenyl ether|63936-56-1|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and no animal data available. |0495
Norflurazon|27314-13-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0082
NuStar|85509-19-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0299
Octabromodiphenyl ether|32536-52-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and no animal data available. |0180
Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX)|2691-41-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No cancer bioassays or epidemiological studies are available. |0311
Oryzalin|19044-88-3|C, Possible human carcinogen |Oryzalin produced tumors (generally benign) at multiple sites in male and female rats. It is structurally related to 2,4-diaminoanisole sulfate which causes malignant tumors at similar sites. |0083
Oxadiazon|19666-30-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0253
Oxamyl|23135-22-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0181
Oxyfluorfen|42874-03-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0084
Paclobutrazol|76738-62-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0182
Paraquat|1910-42-5|C, Possible human carcinogen |Paraquat produced squamous cell carcinoma, an uncommon tumor, in the head region in both sexes of Fischer 344 rats. |0183
Parathion|56-38-2|C, Possible human carcinogen |Increased adrenal cortical tumors in female and male Osborne-Mendel rats and positive trends for thyroid follicular adenomas and pancreatic islet-cell carcinomas in male rats in one study. |0327
Pendimethalin|40487-42-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0292
Pentabromodiphenyl ether|32534-81-9|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and animal data available. |0184
2,2',4,4',5-Pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99)|60348-60-9|||1008
Pentachlorobenzene|608-93-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and no animal data available. |0085
Pentachlorocyclopentadiene|25329-35-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Lack of data concerning carcinogenicity to humans or animals. |0431
Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB)|82-68-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0254
Pentachlorophenol|87-86-5|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |The classification is based on inadequate human data and sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals: statistically significant increases in the incidences of multiple biologically significant tumor types (hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas, adrenal medulla pheochromocytomas and malignant pheochromocytomas, and/or hemangiosarcomas and hemangiomas) in one or both sexes of B6C3F1 mice using two different preparations of pentachlorophenol (PeCP). In addition, a high incidence of two uncommon tumors (adrenal medulla pheochromocytomas and hemangiomas/hemangiosarcomas) was observed with both preparations. This classification is supported by mutagenicity data, which provides some indication that PeCP has clastogenic potential. |0086
Pentafluoroethane|354-33-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0683
Perchlorate (ClO4) and Perchlorate Salts|7790-98-9|||1007
Permethrin|52645-53-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0185
Phenanthrene|85-01-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human data and inadequate data from a single gavage study in rats and skin painting and injection studies in mice. |0459
Phenmedipham|13684-63-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0477
Phenol|108-95-2|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Under Draft Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1999), the data regarding the carcinogenicity of phenol via the oral, inhalation, and dermal exposure routes are inadequate for an assessment of human carcinogenic potential. Phenol was negative in oral carcinogenicity studies in rats and mice, but questions remain regarding increased leukemia in male rats in the bioassay as well as the positive gene mutation data and the positive results in dermal initiation/promotion studies at doses at or above the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). No inhalation studies of an appropriate duration exist. Therefore, no quantitative assessment of carcinogenic potential via any route is possible.|0088
m-Phenylenediamine|108-45-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0087
Phenylmercuric acetate|62-38-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0089
Phosalone|2310-17-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0255
Phosmet|732-11-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0091
Phosphine|7803-51-2|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on inadequate data in animals and no tumor data in humans. While phospine has not been associated with cancer in humans, there is some evidence of chromosomal damage (transient chromatid deletions, gaps and breaks, persistent chromosomal translocations). A relationship between these genetic effects and the development of cancer in humans is sometimes postulated. |0090
Phosphoric acid|7664-38-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0697
Phthalic anhydride|85-44-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0308
Picloram|1918-02-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0256
Pirimiphos-methyl|29232-93-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0257
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)|1336-36-3|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |A 1996 study found liver tumors in female rats exposed to Aroclors 1260, 1254, 1242, and 1016, and in male rats exposed to 1260. These mixtures contain overlapping groups of congeners that, together, span the range of congeners most often found in environmental mixtures. Earlier studies found high, statistically significant incidences of liver tumors in rats ingesting Aroclor 1260 or Clophen A 60 (Kimbrough et al., 1975; Norback and Weltman, 1985; Schaeffer et al., 1984). Mechanistic studies are beginning to identify several congeners that have dioxin-like activity and may promote tumors by different modes of action. PCBs are absorbed through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal exposure, after which they are transported similarly through the circulation. This provides a reasonable basis for expecting similar internal effects from different routes of environmental exposure. Information on relative absorption rates suggests that differences in toxicity across exposure routes are small. The human studies are being updated; currently available evidence is inadequate, but suggestive.|0294
Potassium cyanide|151-50-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0092
Potassium silver cyanide|506-61-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0093
Prochloraz|67747-09-5|C, Possible human carcinogen |Statistically significantly increased incidence and dose-related trend in liver adenomas and carcinomas (combined) in both sexes of one strain of mouse. |0378
Prometon|1610-18-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0094
Prometryn|7287-19-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0258
Pronamide|23950-58-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0095
Propachlor|1918-16-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0096
Propanil|709-98-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0186
Propargite|2312-35-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0296
Propargyl alcohol|107-19-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0468
Propazine|139-40-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0187
Propham|122-42-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0260
Propiconazole|60207-90-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0282
beta-Propiolactone|57-57-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0542
Propylene glycol|57-55-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0543
Propylene glycol monoethyl ether|52125-53-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0544
Propylene glycol monomethyl ether (PGME)|107-98-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0404
Propylene oxide|75-56-9|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on inadequate human data and an increased incidence of benign and malignant tumors at the site of exposure in two species of animals, when exposed by subcutaneous injection, by inhalation, and by gavage. There was also evidence of mutagenicity in a variety of test systems. Propylene oxide is structurally similar to other chemicals that demonstrate carcinogenic activity in animals. |0403
Propyleneimine|75-55-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0621
Pursuit|81335-77-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0439
Pydrin|51630-58-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0188
Pyrene|129-00-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human data and inadequate data from animal bioassays. |0445
Pyridine|110-86-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0261
Quinalphos|13593-03-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0189
Quinoline|91-22-5|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Quinoline is considered likely to be carcinogenic in humans in accordance with proposed EPA carcinogen risk assessment guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1996) on the basis of observations of exposure-related increased incidence of an unusual malignant tumor in multiple strains of rats and mice, multiple experiments using oral, i.p. and s.c. dosing at an early age. This determination is supported by studies that demonstrate that quinoline is genotoxic.|1004
Quinone|106-51-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0509
Radium 226,228|7440-14-4|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||0295
Radon 222|14859-67-7|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||0275
Refractory ceramic fibers|NA|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |No human data and sufficient evidence from animal studies. Chronic inhalation studies showed that several types of RCFs induced mesotheliomas and lung tumors in rats and hamsters. Administration of RCFs by intraperitoneal/intrapleural injection or intratracheal instillation also caused peritoneal/pleural mesotheliomas or lung tumors in rats and hamsters. |0647
Resmethrin|10453-86-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0343
Rotenone|83-79-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0344
Savey|78587-05-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0345
Selenious acid|7783-00-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on inadequate human data and inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity in animals. The evidence for various selenium compounds in animal and mutagenicity studies is conflicting and difficult to interpret; however, evidence for selenium sulfide is sufficient for a B2 (probable human carcinogen) classification. |0097
Selenium and Compounds|7782-49-2|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on inadequate human data and inadequate evidence of carcinogenicity in animals. The evidence for various selenium compounds in animal and mutagenicity studies is conflicting and difficult to interpret; however, evidence for selenium sulfide is sufficient for a B2 (probable human carcinogen) classification. |0472
Selenium sulfide|7446-34-6|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on inadequate data from human studies and sufficient evidence in animals. When administered orally, selenium sulfide produced hepatocellular carcinomas in both sexes of F344 rats and female B6C3F1 mice and alveolar/bronchiolar carcinomas or adenomas in female B6C3F1 mice. |0458
Selenourea|630-10-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0098
Sethoxydim|74051-80-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0190
Silver|7440-22-4|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |In animals, local sarcomas have been induced after implantation of foils and discs of silver. However, the interpretation of these findings has been questioned due to the phenomenon of solid-state carcinogenesis in which even insoluble solids such as plastic have been shown to result in local fibrosarcomas. |0099
Silver cyanide|506-64-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0100
Simazine|122-34-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0263
Sodium azide|26628-22-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0191
Sodium cyanide|143-33-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0101
Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate|148-18-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0102
Sodium fluoroacetate|62-74-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0469
Strontium|7440-24-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0550
Strychnine|57-24-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0103
Styrene|100-42-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0104
Systhane|88671-89-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0342
Tebuthiuron|34014-18-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0264
Terbacil|5902-51-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0105
Terbutryn|886-50-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0285
Tetrabromodiphenyl ether|40088-47-9|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and no animal data available. |0493
2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47)|5436-43-1|||1010
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene|95-94-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0107
Tetrachlorocyclopentadiene|695-77-2|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Lack of data concerning carcinogenicity in humans or animals. |0432
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane|630-20-6|C, Possible human carcinogen |Increased incidence of combined hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas in female mice; inadequate evidence from human studies. |0265
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane|79-34-5|C, Possible human carcinogen |Increased incidence of hepatocellular carcinomas in mice |0193
Tetrachloroethylene|127-18-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0106
2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol|58-90-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0108
Tetrachlorovinphos|961-11-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0194
Tetraethyl lead|78-00-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0109
Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate|3689-24-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0330
1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane|811-97-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0656
Thallium (I), soluble salts|Various|||1012
Thallium acetate|563-68-8|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on the lack of carcinogenicity data in animals and humans. |0111
Thallium carbonate|6533-73-9|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on the lack of carcinogenicity data in animals and humans. |0112
Thallium chloride|7791-12-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on the lack of carcinogenicity data in animals and humans. |0113
Thallium nitrate|10102-45-1|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on the lack of carcinogenicity data in animals and humans. |0114
Thallium oxide|1314-32-5|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on the lack of carcinogenicity data in animals and humans. |0110
Thallium selenite|12039-52-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on the lack of carcinogenicity data in animals and humans. |0115
Thallium(I) sulfate|7446-18-6|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on the lack of carcinogenicity data in animals and humans. |0116
Thiobencarb|28249-77-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0266
Thiophanate-methyl|23564-05-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0117
Thiram|137-26-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0267
Toluene|108-88-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and inadequate animal data. Toluene did not produce positive results in the majority of genotoxic assays. |0118
2,4-/2,6-Toluene diisocyanate mixture (TDI)|26471-62-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0503
Toxaphene|8001-35-2|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |The classification is based on increased incidence of hepatocellular tumors in mice and thyroid tumors in rats and is supported by mutagenicity in Salmonella. |0346
Tralomethrin|66841-25-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0385
Triallate|2303-17-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0195
Triasulfuron|82097-50-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0510
1,2,4-Tribromobenzene|615-54-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0196
Tribromochloromethane|594-15-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no human or animal cancer data. |0534
Tribromodiphenyl ether|49690-94-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |No human data and no animal data available. |0492
Tributyltin oxide (TBTO)|56-35-9|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |There are no data in humans concerning development of cancer following exposure to tributyltin oxide (TBTO). Cancer bioassays following oral exposure have been conducted in rats and mice. Because of the questionable data from the bioassay in rats, EPA assigns TBTO to the "cannot be determined" category [U.S. EPA, 1996 (proposed)].|0349
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113)|76-13-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0123
Trichloroacetic acid|76-03-9|C, Possible human carcinogen |The classification is based on a lack of human data and limited evidence of an increased incidence of liver neoplasms in both sexes of one strain of mice. No evidence of carcinogenicity was found in rats. Results from genotoxicity studies are mixed; trichloroacetic acid does not appear to be a point mutagen. |0655
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene|120-82-1|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |A dermal exposure study in mice was found inadequate for drawing conclusions as to carcinogenicity in humans. |0119
Trichlorocyclopentadiene|77323-84-3|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Lack of data concerning carcinogenicity in humans or animals. |0433
1,1,2-Trichloroethane|79-00-5|C, Possible human carcinogen |Hepatocellular carcinomas and pheochromocytomas in one strain of mice forms the basis for this classification. Carcinogenicity was not shown in rats. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane is structurally related to 1,2-dichloroethane, a probable human carcinogen. |0198
1,1,1-Trichloroethane|71-55-6|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |There are no reported human data and animal studies (one lifetime gavage, one intermediate-term inhalation) have not demonstrated carcinogenicity. Technical grade 1,1,1-trichloroethane has been shown to be weakly mutagenic, although the contaminant, 1,4-dioxane, a known animal carcinogen, may be responsible for this response. |0197
Trichlorofluoromethane|75-69-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0120
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol|95-95-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0121
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol|88-06-2|B2, Probable human carcinogen - based on sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in animals |Based on no human data and sufficient evidence in animals; namely, increased incidence of lymphomas or leukemias in male rats and hepatocellular adenomas or carcinomas in male and female mice. |0122
2(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) propionic acid (2,4,5-TP)|93-72-1|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Human data are not available and the available animal cancer bioassay studies are considered to be inadequate. |0323
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T)|93-76-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0262
1,1,2-Trichloropropane|598-77-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0372
Tricresol|1319-77-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0030
Tridiphane|58138-08-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0124
Triethylamine|121-44-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0520
Triethylene glycol monobutyl ether|143-22-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0639
Triethylene glycol monoethyl ether|112-50-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0640
Trifluralin|1582-09-8|C, Possible human carcinogen |Classification is based on the induction of urinary tract tumors (renal pelvis carcinomas and urinary bladder papillomas) and thyroid tumors (adenomas/carcinomas combined) in one animal species (F344 rats) in one study. Trifluralin is structurally similar to ethalfluralin, a carcinogen in the rat. |0268
1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene|99-35-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|| 0316
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT)|118-96-7|C, Possible human carcinogen |Evidence of human carcinogenicity is inadequate. Urinary bladder papilloma and carcinoma were observed in female Fischer 344 rats. Mutagenic activity was observed in Salmonella with and without metabolic activation.|0269
Uranium, natural|7440-61-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.||0259
Uranium, soluble salts|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0421
Vanadium pentoxide|1314-62-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary. ||0125
Vernam|1929-77-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0201
Vinclozolin|50471-44-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0126
Vinyl acetate|108-05-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0512
Vinyl bromide|593-60-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0671
Vinyl chloride|75-01-4|A, Human Carcinogen |Under the Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1996), it is concluded that VC is a known human carcinogen by the inhalation route of exposure, based on human epidemiological data, and by analogy the oral route because of positive animal bioassay data as well as pharmacokinetic data allowing dose extrapolation across routes. VC is also considered highly likely to be carcinogenic by the dermal route because it is well absorbed and acts systemically.|1001
Warfarin|81-81-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0202
White phosphorus|7723-14-0|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Based on no data in humans or animals. |0460
Xylenes|1330-20-7|NA, Not applicable. This substance was not assessed using the 1986 cancer guidelines (U.S. EPA, 1986). |Under the Draft Revised Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 1999), data are inadequate for an assessment of the carcinogenic potential of xylenes. Adequate human data on the carcinogenicity of xylenes are not available, and the available animal data are inconclusive as to the ability of xylenes to cause a carcinogenic response. Evaluations of the genotoxic effects of xylenes have consistently given negative results.|0270
Zinc and Compounds|7440-66-6|D, Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity |Under the Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (U.S. EPA, 2005), there is inadequate information to assess carcinogenic potential of zinc, because studies of humans occupationally-exposed to zinc are inadequate or inconclusive, adequate animal bioassays of the possible carcinogenicity of zinc are not available, and results of genotoxic tests of zinc have been equivocal. |0426
Zinc cyanide|557-21-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0127
Zinc phosphide|1314-84-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0203
Zineb|12122-67-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.| |0204
===Inhalation unit risks===
<t2b index = "Substance,Observation type" locations = "CASRN,Precursor Effect/ Tumor Type,Extrapolation Method,Unit,Inhalation unit risks,Study Route,IRIS identifier" unit = "per µg /m<sup>3</sup>">
Acenaphthene|83-32-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acenaphthylene|208-96-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acephate|30560-19-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acetaldehyde|75-07-0|Nasal squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma|Linearized multistage-variable exposure input form (extra risk) |per µg/m<sup>3</sup>|2.2x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Acetochlor|34256-82-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acetone|67-64-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acetonitrile|75-05-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acetophenone|98-86-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acetyl chloride|75-36-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acifluorfen, sodium|62476-59-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acrolein|107-02-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acrylamide|79-06-1|thyroid tumors and tunica vaginalis mesotheliomas|Multistage model with linear extrapolation from the point of departure (BMDL), summed risk.|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>-4</sup>|Oral, drinking water|
Acrylic acid|79-10-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Acrylonitrile|107-13-1|Respiratory cancer|Average relative risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|6.8x10<sup>-5</sup>|Inhalation|
Adiponitrile|111-69-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Alachlor|15972-60-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Alar|1596-84-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Aldicarb|116-06-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Aldicarb sulfone|1646-88-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Aldrin|309-00-2|Liver carcinoma|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4.9x10<sup>-3</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Ally|74223-64-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Allyl alcohol|107-18-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Allyl chloride|107-05-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Aluminum phosphide|20859-73-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Amdro|67485-29-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ametryn|834-12-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
4-Aminopyridine|504-24-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Amitraz|33089-61-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ammonia|7664-41-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ammonium acetate|631-61-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ammonium methacrylate|16325-47-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ammonium sulfamate|7773-06-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Aniline|62-53-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
ortho-Anisidine|90-04-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Anthracene|120-12-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Antimony|7440-36-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Antimony trioxide|1309-64-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Apollo|74115-24-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Aramite|140-57-8|Neoplastic liver nodules and carcinomas|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg/m<sup>3</sup>|7.1x10<sup>-6</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Aroclor 1016|12674-11-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Aroclor 1248|12672-29-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Aroclor 1254|11097-69-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Arsenic, inorganic|7440-38-2|Lung cancer|Absolute-risk linear model|per µg/m<sup>3</sup>|4.3x10<sup>-3</sup>|Inhalation, Occupational exposure|
Arsine|7784-42-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Asbestos|1332-21-4|Lung cancer and mesothelioma|Additive risk of lung cancer and mesothelioma, using relative risk model for lung cancer and absolute risk model for mesothelioma|per f/mL|2.3x10<sup>-1</sup>|Inhalation, Occupational exposure|
Assure|76578-14-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Asulam|3337-71-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Atrazine|1912-24-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Avermectin B1|65195-55-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Azobenzene|103-33-3|Abdominal cavity sarcomas|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|3.1x10<sup>-5</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Barium and Compounds|7440-39-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Barium cyanide|542-62-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Baygon|114-26-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bayleton|43121-43-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Baythroid|68359-37-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benefin|1861-40-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benomyl|17804-35-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bentazon (Basagran)|25057-89-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benz[a]anthracene|56-55-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benzaldehyde|100-52-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benzene|71-43-2|Leukemia|Low-dose linearity utilizing maximum likelihood estimates|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|2.2x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Benzene|71-43-2|Leukemia|Low-dose linearity utilizing maximum likelihood estimates|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|7.8x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Benzidine|92-87-5|Bladder tumors|One-hit with time factor, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|6.7x10<sup>-2</sup>|Inhalation, Occupational exposure|
Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP)|50-32-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benzo[b]fluoranthene|205-99-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benzo[g,h,i]perylene|191-24-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benzo[k]fluoranthene|207-08-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benzoic acid|65-85-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benzotrichloride|98-07-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Benzyl chloride|100-44-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Beryllium and compounds|7440-41-7|Lung cancer|Relative risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|2.4x10<sup>-3</sup>|Inhalation, Occupational exposure|
Bidrin|141-66-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Biphenthrin|82657-04-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,1-Biphenyl|92-52-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether|108-60-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane|111-91-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bis(chloroethyl)ether (BCEE)|111-44-4|Hepatomas|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|3.3x10<sup>-4</sup>|Oral, Gavage followed by diet|
Bis(chloromethyl)ether (BCME)|542-88-1|Respiratory tract tumors|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|6.2x10<sup>-2</sup>|Inhalation|
Bisphenol A.|80-05-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Boron and Compounds|7440-42-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bromate|15541-45-4|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Brominated dibenzofurans|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bromobenzene|108-86-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bromochloromethane|74-97-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bromodichloromethane|75-27-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
p-Bromodiphenyl ether|101-55-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bromoform|75-25-2|Neoplastic lesions in the large intestine|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.1x10<sup>-6</sup>|Oral, Gavage in corn oil|
Bromomethane|74-83-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bromotrichloromethane|75-62-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bromoxynil|1689-84-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Bromoxynil octanoate|1689-99-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,3-Butadiene|106-99-0|Leukemia|Linear extrapolation from LEC01 (0.254 ppm); LEC01 derived from linear relative rate model (RR = 1 + (B)(x)) using lifetable analysis with leukemia incidence data; an adjustment factor of 2 was applied.|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-5</sup>|Inhalation|
n-Butanol|71-36-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Butyl benzyl phthalate|85-68-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Butylate|2008-41-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
t-Butylchloride|507-20-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Butylphthalyl butylglycolate (BPBG)|85-70-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cacodylic acid|75-60-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cadmium|7440-43-9|Lung, trachea, bronchus cancer deaths|Two stage; only first affected by exposure; extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.8x10<sup>-3</sup>|Inhalation, Exposure in the workplace|
Calcium cyanide|592-01-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Caprolactam|105-60-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Captafol|2425-06-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Captan|133-06-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Carbary|l63-25-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Carbofuran1|563-66-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Carbon disulfide|75-15-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Carbon tetrachloride|56-23-5|Pheochromocytoma|Log-probit model with linear extrapolation from the POD (LEC10).|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|6x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Carbonyl sulfide|463-58-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Carbosulfan|55285-14-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Carboxin|5234-68-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cerium Oxide and Cerium Compounds|1306-38-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chloral hydrate|302-17-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chloramben|133-90-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlordane (Technical)|12789-03-6|Hepatocellular carcinoma|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>-4<7sup>|Oral, Diet|
Chlordecone (Kepone)|143-50-0|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Chlorimuron-ethyl|90982-32-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorine|7782-50-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorine cyanide|506-77-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorine dioxide|10049-04-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorite (sodium salt)|7758-19-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane|75-68-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-Chloroacetophenone|532-27-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
p-Chloroaniline|106-47-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorobenzene|108-90-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorobenzilate|510-15-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1-Chlorobutane|109-69-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-Chlorobutane|78-86-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorocyclopentadiene|41851-50-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorodifluoromethane|75-45-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chloroform|67-66-3|Hepatocellular carcinoma|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|2.3x10<sup>-5</sup>|Oral, Gavage|
Chloromethyl methyl ether (CMME)|107-30-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
beta-Chloronaphthalene|91-58-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-Chlorophenol|95-57-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
p-Chlorophenyl methyl sulfide|123-09-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
p-Chlorophenyl methyl sulfone|98-57-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
p-Chlorophenyl methyl sulfoxide|934-73-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chloroprene|126-99-8|alveolar/ bronchiolar adenoma or carcinoma; hemangioma/ hemangiosarcoma (all organs); mammary gland adenocarcinoma, carcinoma, or adenoacanthoma; forestomach squamous cell papilloma or carcinoma; hepatocellular adenoma or carcinoma; Harderian gland adenoma or carcinoma; skin sarcoma; and Zymbal's gland carcinoma|Multistage model with linear extrapolation from the point of departure (BMDL), summed risk.|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-4</sup>|Inhalation|
Chlorothalonil|1897-45-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
o-Chlorotoluene|95-49-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorpropham|101-21-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorpyrifos|2921-88-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chlorsulfuron|64902-72-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chromium(III), insoluble salts|16065-83-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Chromium(VI)|18540-29-9|Lung cancer|Multistage, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.2x10<sup>-2</sup>|Inhalation, Occupational exposure|
Chrysene|218-01-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Coke oven emissions|8007-45-2|Respiratory cancer|Linearized multistage procedure|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|6.2x10<sup>-4</sup>|Inhalation, Occupational|
Copper|7440-50-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Copper cyanide|544-92-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Creosote|8001-58-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Crotonaldehyde|123-73-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cumene|98-82-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cyanazine|21725-46-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cyanide, free|57-12-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cyanogen|460-19-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cyanogen bromide|506-68-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cyclohexane|110-82-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cyclohexanone|108-94-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cyclohexylamine|108-91-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cyhalothrin/Karate|68085-85-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cypermethrin|52315-07-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Cyromazine|66215-27-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dacthal|1861-32-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dalapon, sodium salt|75-99-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Danitol|39515-41-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'-Decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209)|1163-19-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Demeton|8065-48-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Di (2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)|117-81-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate|103-23-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4-Diaminotoluene|95-80-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Diazomethane|334-88-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dibenz[a,h]anthracene|53-70-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dibenzofuran|132-64-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)|96-12-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,4-Dibromobenzene|106-37-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dibromochloromethane|124-48-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dibromodichloromethane|594-18-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
p,p'-Dibromodiphenyl ether|2050-47-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,2-Dibromoethane|106-93-4|Nasal cavity (includes adenoma, adenocarcinoma, papillary adenoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and or/papilloma), hemangiosarcomas, mesotheliomas|Multistage-Weibull model; linear extrapolation from lower 95% confidence limit on dose associated with extra risk (adjusted for background) at point of departure at lower end of data range.|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|6x10<sup>-4</sup>|Inhalation|
1,2-Dibromoethane|106-93-4|Nasal cavity (includes adenoma, adenocarcinoma, papillary adenoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and or/papilloma), hemangiosarcomas, mesotheliomas|Multistage-Weibull model; linear extrapolation from lower 95% confidence limit on dose associated with extra risk (adjusted for background) at point of departure at lower end of data range.|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|3x10<sup>-4</sup>|Inhalation|
Dibutyl phthalate|84-74-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dicamba|1918-00-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dichloroacetic acid|79-43-6|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
1,3-Dichlorobenzene|541-73-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,4-Dichlorobenzene|106-46-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,2-Dichlorobenzene|95-50-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine|91-94-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dichlorodifluoromethane|75-71-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethane (DDD)|72-54-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE)|72-55-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
p,p'-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)|50-29-3|Liver tumors, benign and malignant|Linear multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|9.7x10<sup>-5</sup>|Oral,Diet|
1,2-Dichloroethane|107-06-2|Hemangiosarcomas|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|2.6x10<sup>-5</sup>|Oral,Gavage|
1,1-Dichloroethane|75-34-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene|156-60-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene|156-59-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,1-Dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE)|75-35-4|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Dichloromethane|75-09-2|Hepatocellular carcinomas or adenomas, bronchoalveolar carcinomas or adenomas|Multistage model with linear extrapolation from the point of departure (BMDL10)|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>-8</sup>|Inhalation|
2,4-Dichlorophenol|120-83-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
4-(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)butyric acid (2,4-DB)|94-82-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)|94-75-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,2-Dichloropropane|78-87-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,3-Dichloropropanol|616-23-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,3-Dichloropropene|542-75-6|Bronchioalveolar adenoma|Linearized multistage model, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Dichlorvos|62-73-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dicofol|115-32-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dieldrin|60-57-1|Liver carcinoma|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4.6x10<sup>-3</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Diesel engine exhaust|NA|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Diethyl phthalate|84-66-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Diethyl sulfate|64-67-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Diethyl-p-nitrophenylphosphate|311-45-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Diethylene glycol dinitrate (DEGDN)|693-21-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Difenzoquat|43222-48-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Diflubenzuron|35367-38-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,1-Difluoroethane|75-37-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Diisopropyl methylphosphonate (DIMP)|1445-75-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dimethipin|55290-64-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dimethoate|60-51-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dimethyl phthalate|131-11-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dimethyl sulfate|77-78-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dimethyl terephthalate (DMT)|120-61-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dimethylamine|124-40-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
N-N-Dimethylaniline|121-69-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
3,3-Dimethylbenzidine|119-93-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
N,N-Dimethylformamide|68-12-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
3,4-Dimethylphenol|95-65-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,6-Dimethylphenol|576-26-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4-Dimethylphenol|105-67-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
4,6-Dinitro-o-cyclohexyl phenol|131-89-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
m-Dinitrobenzene|99-65-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
o-Dinitrobenzene|528-29-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4-Dinitrophenol|51-28-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4-Dinitrotoluene|121-14-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4-/2,6-Dinitrotoluene mixture|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dinoseb|88-85-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,4-Dioxane|123-91-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Diphenamid|957-51-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Diphenylamine|122-39-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,2-Diphenylhydrazine|122-66-7|Hepatocellular carcinomas and neoplastic liver nodules|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|2.2x10<sup>-4</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Diquat|85-00-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Disulfoton|298-04-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,4-Dithiane|505-29-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Diuron|330-54-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Dodine|2439-10-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Endosulfan|115-29-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Endothall|145-73-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Endrin|72-20-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Epichlorohydrin|106-89-8|Nasal cavity tumors|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.2x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
1,2-Epoxybutane (EBU)|106-88-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethephon|16672-87-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethion|563-12-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-Ethoxyethanol|110-80-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethyl acetate|141-78-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethyl carbamate|51-79-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethyl chloride|75-00-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
S-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC)|759-94-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethyl ether|60-29-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethyl p-nitrophenyl phenylphosphorothioate (EPN)|2104-64-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethylbenzene|100-41-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethylene diamine|107-15-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethylene glycol|107-21-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (EGBE) (2-Butoxyethanol)|111-76-2|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Ethylene thiourea (ETU)|96-45-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethyleneimine|151-56-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Ethylphthalyl ethylglycolate (EPEG)|84-72-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Express|101200-48-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Fenamiphos|22224-92-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Fluometuron|2164-17-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Fluoranthene|206-44-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Fluorene|86-73-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Fluorine (soluble fluoride)|7782-41-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Fluridone|59756-60-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Flurprimidol|56425-91-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Flutolanil|66332-96-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Fluvalinate|69409-94-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Folpet|133-07-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Fomesafen|72178-02-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Fonofos|944-22-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Formaldehyde|50-00-0|Squamous cell carcinoma|Linearized multistage procedure, additional risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.3x10<sup>-5</sup>|Inhalation|
Formic acid|64-18-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Fosetyl-al|39148-24-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Furan|110-00-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Furfural|98-01-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Furmecyclox|60568-05-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Glufosinate-ammonium|77182-82-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Glycidaldehyde|765-34-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Glyphosate|1071-83-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Haloxyfop-methyl|69806-40-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Harmony|79277-27-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Heptachlor|76-44-8|Hepatocellular carcinomas|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk |per µg/m<sup>3</sup>|1.3x10<sup>-3</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Heptachlor epoxide|1024-57-3|Hepatocellular carcinomas|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg/m<sup>3</sup>|2.6x10<sup>-3</sup>|Oral, Diet|
n-Heptane|142-82-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Hexabromobenzene|87-82-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Hexabromodiphenyl ether|36483-60-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,2',4,4',5,5'-Hexabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-153)|68631-49-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Hexachlorobenzene|118-74-1|Hepatocellular carcinoma|Linearized multistage, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4.6x10<sup>-4</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Hexachlorobutadiene|87-68-3|Renal tubular adenomas and adenocarcinomas|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|2.2x10<sup>-5</sup>|Oral, Diet|
alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH)|319-84-6|Hepatic nodules and hepatocellular carcinomas|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.8x10<sup>-3</sup>|Oral, Diet|
beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane (beta-HCH)|319-85-7|Hepatic nodules and hepatocellular carcinomas|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|5.3x10<sup>-4</sup>|Oral, Diet|
delta-Hexachlorocyclohexane (delta-HCH)|319-86-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
epsilon-Hexachlorocyclohexane (epsilon-HC)|6108-10-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH)|58-89-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
technical Hexachlorocyclohexane (t-HCH)|608-73-1|Liver nodules and hepatocellular carcinomas|Linearized multistage procedure|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|5.1x10<sup>-4</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (HCCPD)|77-47-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD), mixture of 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD and 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD|57653-85-7|Liver tumors (adenomas and carcinomas; neoplastic nodules and hepatocellular carcinomas)|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.3|Oral, Gavage|
Hexachloroethane|67-72-1|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Hexachlorophene|70-30-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX)|121-82-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,6-Hexamethylene diisocyanate|822-06-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
n-Hexane|110-54-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-Hexanone|591-78-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Hexazinone|51235-04-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Hydrazine/Hydrazine sulfate|302-01-2|Nasal cavity adenoma or adenocarcinoma|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4.9x10<sup>-3</sup>|Inhalation|
Hydrogen Cyanide and Cyanide Salts|Various|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Hydrogen chloride|7647-01-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Hydrogen sulfide|7783-06-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Hydroquinone|123-31-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Imazalil|35554-44-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Imazaquin|81335-37-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene|193-39-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Iprodione|36734-19-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Isobutyl alcohol|78-83-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Isophorone|78-59-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Isopropalin|33820-53-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Isopropyl methyl phosphonic acid (IMPA)|1832-54-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Isoxaben|82558-50-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Lactofen|77501-63-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Lead and compounds (inorganic)|7439-92-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
d-Limonene|5989-27-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Linuron|330-55-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Londax|83055-99-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Malathion|121-75-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Maleic anhydride|108-31-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Maleic hydrazide|123-33-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Maneb|12427-38-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Manganese|7439-96-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Mepiquat chloride|24307-26-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Mercuric chloride (HgCl2)|7487-94-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Mercury, elemental|7439-97-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Merphos|150-50-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Merphos oxide|78-48-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Metalaxyl|57837-19-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methacrylonitrile|126-98-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methamidophos|10265-92-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methanol|67-56-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methidathion|950-37-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methomyl|16752-77-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methoxychlor|72-43-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-Methoxyethanol|109-86-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methyl acrylate|96-33-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methyl chloride|74-87-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methyl chlorocarbonate|79-22-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)|78-93-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methyl iodide|74-88-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK)|108-10-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methyl isocyanate|624-83-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methyl methacrylate|80-62-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methyl parathion|298-00-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)|1634-04-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
4-(2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxy) butyric acid (MCPB)|94-81-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-(2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxy)propionic acid (MCPP)|93-65-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA)|94-74-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (monomeric MDI) and polymeric MDI (PMDI)|101-68-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
4,4'-Methylene bis(N,N'-dimethyl)aniline|101-61-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Methylmercury (MeHg)|22967-92-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-Methylnaphthalene|91-57-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-Methylphenol|95-48-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
4-Methylphenol|106-44-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
3-Methylphenol|108-39-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Metolachlor|51218-45-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Metribuzin|21087-64-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Mirex|2385-85-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Molinate|2212-67-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Molybdenum|7439-98-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Monochloramine|10599-90-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Naled|300-76-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Naphthalene|91-20-3|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Napropamide|15299-99-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Nickel carbonyl|13463-39-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Nickel refinery dust|NA|Lung cancer|Additive and multiplicative|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|2.4x10-4|Inhalation|
Nickel subsulfide|12035-72-2|Lung cancer|Additive and multiplicative|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4.8x10<sup>-4</sup>|Inhalation|
Nickel, soluble salts|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Nitrapyrin|1929-82-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Nitrate|14797-55-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Nitric oxide|10102-43-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Nitrite|14797-65-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Nitrobenzene|98-95-3|Liver hepatocellular adenomas or carcinomas, kidney tubular adenomas or carcinomas, thyroid follicular cell adenomas or carcinomas|Multistage model with linear extrapolation from the POD (LEC10).|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4x10<sup>-5</sup>|Inhalation|
Nitrogen dioxide|10102-44-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Nitroguanidine|556-88-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
p-Nitrophenol|100-02-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2-Nitropropane|79-46-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
N-Nitroso-N-methylethylamine|10595-95-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
N-Nitroso-di-n-butylamine|924-16-3|Bladder and esophagus tumors|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.6x10<sup>-3</sup>|Oral, Drinking water|
N-Nitrosodi-N-propylamine|621-64-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
N-Nitrosodiethanolamine|1116-54-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
N-Nitrosodiethylamine|55-18-5|Liver tumors|Weibull, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4.3x10<sup>-2</sup>|Oral, Drinking water|
N-Nitrosodimethylamine|62-75-9|Liver tumors|Weibull, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.4x10<sup>-2</sup>|Oral, Drinking water|
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine|86-30-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine|930-55-2|Hepatocellular carcinoma and adenoma|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|6.1x10<sup>-4</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Nonabromodiphenyl ether|63936-56-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Norflurazon|27314-13-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
NuStar|85509-19-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Octabromodiphenyl ether|32536-52-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX)|2691-41-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Oryzalin|19044-88-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Oxadiazon|19666-30-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Oxamyl|23135-22-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Oxyfluorfen|42874-03-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Paclobutrazol|76738-62-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Paraquat|1910-42-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Parathion|56-38-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pendimethalin|40487-42-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pentabromodiphenyl ether|32534-81-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,2',4,4',5-Pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99)|60348-60-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pentachlorobenzene|608-93-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pentachlorocyclopentadiene|25329-35-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB)|82-68-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pentachlorophenol|87-86-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pentafluoroethane|354-33-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Perchlorate (ClO4) and Perchlorate Salts|7790-98-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Permethrin|52645-53-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Phenanthrene|85-01-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Phenmedipham|13684-63-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Phenol|108-95-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
m-Phenylenediamine|108-45-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Phenylmercuric acetate|62-38-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Phosalone|2310-17-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Phosgene|75-44-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Phosmet|732-11-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Phosphine|7803-51-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Phosphoric acid|7664-38-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Phthalic anhydride|85-44-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Picloram|1918-02-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pirimiphos-methyl|29232-93-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)|1336-36-3|Liver hepatocellular adenomas, carcinomas, cholangiomas, or cholangiocarcinomas|Linear extrapolation below LED10s|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1x10<sup>-4</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Potassium cyanide|151-50-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Potassium silver cyanide|506-61-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Prochloraz|67747-09-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Prometon|1610-18-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Prometryn|7287-19-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pronamide|23950-58-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propachlor|1918-16-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propanil|709-98-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propargite|2312-35-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propargyl alcohol|107-19-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propazine|139-40-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propham|122-42-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propiconazole|60207-90-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
beta-Propiolactone|57-57-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propionaldehyde|123-38-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propylene glycol|57-55-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propylene glycol monoethyl ether|52125-53-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propylene glycol monomethyl ether (PGME)|107-98-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Propylene oxide|75-56-9|Nasal cavity hemangioma or hemangiosarcoma|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|3.7x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Propyleneimine|75-55-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pursuit|81335-77-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pydrin|51630-58-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pyrene|129-00-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Pyridine|110-86-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Quinalphos|13593-03-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Quinoline|91-22-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Quinone|106-51-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Radium 226,228|7440-14-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Radon 222|14859-67-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Refractory ceramic fibers|NA|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Resmethrin|10453-86-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Rotenone|83-79-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Savey|78587-05-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Selenious acid|7783-00-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Selenium and Compounds|7782-49-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Selenium sulfide|7446-34-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Selenourea|630-10-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Sethoxydim|74051-80-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Silver|7440-22-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Silver cyanide|506-64-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Simazine|122-34-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Sodium azide|26628-22-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Sodium cyanide|143-33-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate|148-18-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Sodium fluoroacetate|62-74-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Strontium|7440-24-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Strychnine|57-24-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Styrene|100-42-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Systhane|88671-89-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tebuthiuron|34014-18-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Terbacil|5902-51-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Terbutryn|886-50-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tetrabromodiphenyl ether|40088-47-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,2',4,4'-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47)|5436-43-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene|95-94-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tetrachlorocyclopentadiene|695-77-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane|630-20-6|Hepatocellular adenoma or carcinoma|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|7.4x10<sup>-6</sup>|Oral, Gavage|
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane|79-34-5|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Tetrachloroethylene|127-18-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol|58-90-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tetrachlorovinphos|961-11-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tetraethyl lead|78-00-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tetraethyldithiopyrophosphate|3689-24-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane|811-97-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thallium (I), soluble salts|Various|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thallium acetate|563-68-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thallium carbonate|6533-73-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thallium chloride|7791-12-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thallium nitrate|10102-45-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thallium oxide|1314-32-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thallium selenite|12039-52-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thallium(I) sulfate|7446-18-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thiobencarb|28249-77-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thiophanate-methyl|23564-05-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Thiram|137-26-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Toluene|108-88-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4-/2,6-Toluene diisocyanate mixture (TDI)|26471-62-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Toxaphene|8001-35-2|Hepatocellular carcinomas and neoplastic nodules|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|3.2x10<sup>-4</sup>|Oral, Diet|
Tralomethrin|66841-25-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Triallate|2303-17-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Triasulfuron|82097-50-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,2,4-Tribromobenzene|615-54-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tribromochloromethane|594-15-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tribromodiphenyl ether|49690-94-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tributyltin oxide (TBTO)|56-35-9|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (CFC-113)|76-13-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Trichloroacetic acid|76-03-9|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene|120-82-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Trichlorocyclopentadiene|77323-84-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,1,2-Trichloroethane|79-00-5|Hepatocellular carcinoma|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|1.6x10<sup>-5</sup>|Oral, Gavage|
1,1,1-Trichloroethane|71-55-6|Information reviewed but value not estimated. Refer to IRIS Summary.|||||
Trichloroethylene|79-01-6|Renal cell carcinoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and liver tumors|Low-dose linear extrapolation from the point of departure (LEC01) with a factor of 4 applied to include non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and liver cancer risks, combined risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4.1x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Trichlorofluoromethane|75-69-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4,5-Trichlorophenol|95-95-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol|88-06-2|Leukemia|Linearized multistage procedure, extra risk|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|3.1x10<sup>-6</sup>|Oral,Diet|
2(2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy) propionic acid (2,4,5-TP)|93-72-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T)|93-76-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,1,2-Trichloropropane|598-77-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,2,3-Trichloropropane|96-18-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tricresol|1319-77-3|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Tridiphane|58138-08-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Triethylamine|121-44-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Triethylene glycol monobutyl ether|143-22-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Triethylene glycol monoethyl ether|112-50-5|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Trifluralin|1582-09-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,2,4-Trimethylpentane|540-84-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene|99-35-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT)|118-96-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Uranium, natural|7440-61-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Uranium, soluble salts|NA|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Urea|57-13-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Vanadium pentoxide|1314-62-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Vernam|1929-77-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Vinclozolin|50471-44-8|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Vinyl acetate|108-05-4|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Vinyl bromide|593-60-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Vinyl chloride|75-01-4|Liver angiosarcomas, angiomas, hepatomas, and neoplastic nodules|LMS method|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4.4x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Vinyl chloride|75-01-4|Liver angiosarcomas, angiomas, hepatomas, and neoplastic nodules|LED 10/ linear method|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|4.4x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Vinyl chloride|75-01-4|Liver angiosarcomas, angiomas, hepatomas, and neoplastic nodules|LMS method|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|8.8x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Vinyl chloride|75-01-4|Liver angiosarcomas, angiomas, hepatomas, and neoplastic nodules|LED 10/ linear method|per µg /m<sup>3</sup>|8.8x10<sup>-6</sup>|Inhalation|
Warfarin|81-81-2|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
White phosphorus|7723-14-0|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Xylenes|1330-20-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Zinc and Compounds|7440-66-6|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Zinc cyanide|557-21-1|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Zinc phosphide|1314-84-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
Zineb|12122-67-7|Not Assessed under the IRIS program.|||||
==See also==
==See also==
* [[IRIS/Oral RfDs]]
* [[IRIS/Oral RfDs]]
* [[IRIS/Inhalation RfCs]]
* [[IRIS/Weight-of-Evidence Characterizations]]
* [[IRIS/Inhalation unit risks]]
* [[Template:IRIS links]]

Latest revision as of 13:02, 11 March 2014

This page provides a description and a link to a "IRIS" database that provides information needed when modeling exposure levels or performing exposure assessment.

Short description

IRIS is a database of human health effects that may result from exposure to various substances found in the environment. The heart of the IRIS system is its collection of computer files covering individual chemicals. These chemical files contain descriptive and quantitative information in the following categories: a) Oral reference doses and inhalation reference concentrations (RfDs and RfCs, respectively) for chronic noncarcinogenic health effects, b) Hazard identification, oral slope factors, and oral and inhalation unit risks for carcinogenic effects. Database includes over 500 chemicals.

Long description




Key words

human health effects, exposure, toxicology, carcinogenity, hazards

Data scrapping

IRIS database is accessible from this link: http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris/compare.cfm. The critical data can be obtained at once if all substances and all types of data are selected. A result is an html file with several tables from which the data can be scrapped and transformed into a better format. The January 4th, 2012, version was downloaded from IRIS and saved on this page (see the file below). Who could do this?

Reference system in IRIS database. The number (e.g. 0442) refers to the IRIS chemical identifier.

http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris/quickview.cfm?substance_nmbr=0442#reforal  Oral RfDs
http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris/quickview.cfm?substance_nmbr=0442#refinhal Inhalation RfCs
http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris/quickview.cfm?substance_nmbr=0442#woe      Weight-of-Evidence Characterizations
http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris/quickview.cfm?substance_nmbr=0442#quaoral  Oral Slope Factors/Drinking Water Unit Risks
http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris/quickview.cfm?substance_nmbr=0442#quainhal Inhalation Unit Risks
IRIS Summary 
Toxicological Review (PDF)
http://www.epa.gov/iris/toxreviews/0128tr.pdf (this does not exist for many compounds)

# : Tämähän alkaa olla oikein hyvä! Alla vielä muutamia kommentteja. --Jouni 20:34, 28 June 2012 (EEST)

  • Tulokset on tässä kirjoitettu muotoon 3.4x10-3. Joko interpret-funktiota on päivitettävä siten, että se ymmärtää tämän, tai sitten kaikki näiden taulukoiden tulokset pitää muuttaa muotoon 3.4e-3 (jonka R ymmärtää oikein, kun käytetään as.numericia). Tuntuu, että interpretin päivitys olisi parempi vaihtoehto.
  • Yksiköt pitäisi muuttaa tietokoneelle ymmärrettäväksi. Vaihtoehtoja: a) Unit conversions -sivulle lisätään kaikki tässä esiintyvät uudet yksiköt, niin että niille saadaan muunnosohjeet (esim. mg /kg-day → mg /kg /d tai per µg /m3 → m3 /µg. b) Kaikki yksiköt tällä sivulla muutetaan tuohon standardimuotoon. Mikä tuntuisi järkevältä?

# : Jos jossakin taulukossa joka rivillä on sama yksikkö, koko saraketta ei tarvita vaan riittää yksikön ilmoittaminen osoiterivillä. --Jouni 20:34, 28 June 2012 (EEST)

# : Ei tätä kannata tehdä rivi kerrallaan, vaan ottaa koko viiden taulukon tiedosto (ks. Related files) muokata siitä tekstinkäsittelyohjelmalla viisi t2b-taulukkoa. Etsi-korvaa-toiminnolla voi tehdä suurimman osan muotoiluista. Kannattaa kysyä apua jos ei osaa, koska muuten työssä menee päiviä. --Jouni 10:42, 20 June 2012 (EEST)

#: Huomaa, että IRIS identifier on tärkeä. Se löytyy nettilinkeistä (esim. Acenaphthenen QuickView on tämmöinen linkki: http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris/quickview.cfm?substance_nmbr=0442#reforal ja siitä näkee, että tämän aineen IRIS identifier on 0442. --Jouni 10:42, 20 June 2012 (EEST)

See also


Related files
