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This page is a manuscript to be submitted to F1000 Research as a software tool article [1]. The main focus is on variable and ovariable structure and use, but their use within OpasnetUtils is described as well, thus making this valid as software tool article.
We welcome the description of new software tools. A Software Tool Article should include the rationale for the development of the tool and details of the code used for its construction. The article should provide examples of suitable input data sets and include an example of the output that can be expected from the tool and how this output should be interpreted.


  • provide full affiliation information (full institutional address and ZIP code, and e-mail address) for all authors, and
  • indicate who is/are the corresponding author(s).


Please provide a concise and specific title that clearly reflects the content of the article.


Abstracts should be up to 300 words long and provide a succinct summary of the article. Although the abstract should explain why the article might be interesting, the importance of the work should not be over-emphasized. Abstracts formatted with bullet point lists and separate headings are allowed, but the text will be included in the overall word limit. Citations should not be used in the abstract. Abbreviations, if needed, should be spelled out.


Authors are encouraged to supply up to eight relevant keywords that describe the subject of their article. These will improve the visibility of your article.

Main Body

Software Tool Articles typically contain the following sections:


Methods, providing details of Implementation and Operation

Results (optional)

Use Cases (optional)


The Introduction should provide context as to why the software tool was developed and what need it addresses. It is good scholarly practice to mention previously developed tools that address similar needs, and why the current tool is needed.

The Methods should include a subsection on Implementation describing how the tool works and any relevant technical details required for implementation; and a subsection on Operation, which should include the minimal system requirements needed to run the software and an overview of the workflow.

A Results section is only required if the paper includes novel data or analyses, and should be written as a traditional results section. Please include a section on Use Cases if the paper does not include novel data or analyses. Examples of input and output files should be provided with some explanatory context. Any novel or complex variable parameters should be explained in sufficient detail to enable users to understand and use the tool's functionality.

A Discussion (e.g. if the paper includes novel data or analyses) or Conclusions should include a brief discussion of allowances made (if any) for controlling bias or unwanted sources of variability, and the limitations of any novel datasets. Reproducibility: F1000Research is committed to serving the research community by ensuring that all articles include sufficient information to allow others to reproduce the work. With this in mind, Methods sections should provide sufficient details of the materials and methods used so that the work can be repeated by others. The section should also include a brief discussion of allowances made (if any) for controlling bias or unwanted sources of variability. Any limitations of the datasets should be discussed. When antibodies are used, the species in which the antibody was raised, the manufacturing company or source laboratory, the catalogue or reference number, and whether it is a polyclonal or monoclonal antibody should be included. In addition, if the antibody has been previously validated, a reference to the validation study should be included. If the antibody has not been validated, full details of the dilution and use of the antibody should be given in the Methods section.

Data and Software Availability

All articles reporting new research findings must be accompanied by the underlying source data - see our policies for more information. Please include details of how the data were analysed to produce the various results (tables, graphs etc.) shown (i.e. what statistical tests were used). If a piece of software code was used, please provide details of how to access this code (if not proprietary). See also our Data Preparation guidelines for further guidance on data presentation and formatting.

If you have already deposited your datasets or used data that are already available online or elsewhere, please include a ‘Data Availability’ section, providing full details of how and where the data can be accessed. This should be done in the style of, for example:

F1000Research: Dataset 1. Manually annotated miRNA-disease and miRNA-gene interaction corpora, 10.5256/f1000research.4591.d34639 Source code for new software should be made available on a Version Control System (VCS) such as GitHub, BitBucket or SourceForge, and provide details of the repository and the license under which the software can be used in the article. The F1000Research team will assist with data and/or software deposition and help generate this section, where needed.

Author Contributions

The individual contributions of each author to the manuscript should be detailed in this section. Anyone who has contributed but does not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the Acknowledgments section. We recommend using author initials and then stating briefly how they contributed; e.g. ’AH, JS and IT conceived the study. MJ designed the experiments. AH, JS and MJ carried out the research. UGT contributed to the design of experiments and provided expertise in genomics. JS and IT prepared the first draft of the manuscript. UGT and MJ contributed to the experimental design and preparation of the manuscript. All authors were involved in the revision of the draft manuscript and have agreed to the final content.’

Competing Interests

No competing interests were disclosed.

Grant Information

Please state who funded the work, whether it is your employer, a grant funder etc. Please do not list funding that you have that is not relevant to this specific piece of research. For each funder, please state the funder’s name, the grant number where applicable, and the individual to whom the grant was assigned. If your work was not funded by any grants, please include the section entitled “Grant information” and state: ‘The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting this work’.


This section should acknowledge anyone who contributed to the research or the writing of the article but who does not qualify as an author; please clearly state how they contributed. Please note that grant funding should be listed in the “Grant Information” section.

Supplementary Material

There are no figure or table limits for articles in F1000Research and most material can be included in the main article if desired. Other types of additional information, e.g. questionnaires, extra or supporting images or tables can be submitted as supplementary material. Please include a section entitled ’Supplementary Material’ at the end of the manuscript, providing a title and short description for each supplementary file. Please also include citations to the supplementary files in the text of the main body of the article. The F1000Research editorial team will liaise with authors to determine the most appropriate way to display this material.


  • Journal abbreviations should follow the Index Medicus/MEDLINE abbreviation approach.
  • Only articles, datasets and abstracts that have been published or are in press, or are available through public e-print/preprint servers/data repositories, may be cited. Unpublished abstracts, papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted, and personal communications should instead be included in the text; they should be referred to as ‘personal communications’ or ‘unpublished reports’ and the researchers involved should be named. Authors are responsible for getting permission to quote any personal communications from the cited individuals.

Figures and Tables

All figures and tables should be cited and discussed in the article text. Figure legends and tables should be added at the end of the manuscript. Tables should be formatted using the ‘insert table’ function in Word, or provided as an Excel file. For larger tables or spreadsheets of data, please see our Data Preparation guidelines. Files for figures are usually best uploaded as separate files through the submission system (see below for information on formats).

Figure formats: For all figures, the color mode should be RGB or grayscale. Line art: Examples of line art include graphs, diagrams, flow charts and phylogenetic trees. Please make sure that text is at least 8pt, the lines are thick enough to be clearly seen at the size the image will likely be displayed (between 75-150 mm width, which converts to one or two columns width, respectively), and that the font size and type is consistent between images. Figures should be created using a white background to ensure that they display correctly online.

If you submit a graph, please export the graph as an EPS file using the program you used to create the graph (e.g. SPSS). If this is not possible, please send us the original file in which the graph was created (e.g. if you created the graph in Excel, send us the Excel file with the embedded graph).