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(first draft based on practical training with Wikidata)
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Revision as of 04:25, 1 February 2016

Wikidata is an open database alongside Wikipedia and it contains all kinds of information that can be automatically used on Wikipedia pages. It can also be called from outside using SPARQL language. It is based on a semantic structure of statement triplets: item, property, value. Each statement should be backed up with credible sources.


How to combine Opasnet, Wikidata, and Wikipedia in a systematic and useful way so that

  • high-quality information is updated from Opasnet to Wikidata,
  • Wikipedia pages are updated to reflect this data,
  • the penetration of environmental health knowledge is as good as possible?


The first set of data that is to be uploaded to Wikidata is the burden of disease estimates. Global estimates from the IHME Institute to English Wikipedia to populate disease and risk factor pages. For details of this work, see Burden of disease.

When adding data to Wikidata, there are some tricks you should know. These can be found from the documentation as well, but I highlight some issues that may save time and trouble.

Properties are things that define the relation of the item and the value. Technically, items and properties are wiki pages in Wikidata and they have a unique number starting with Q (items) or P (properties). A particular property only accepts certain kind of values. Often values are also items, but sometimes numbers or strings. These are common properties.

All statements should have references. References are also statement triplets within a main statement. This kind of references should be used, in the order of preference. For details, see Help:Sources.

  • Use Pubmed ID (P698) with a Pubmed identification number to scientific articles.
  • Use DOI (P356) number if Pubmed ID is not available (non-medical literature)
  • Stated in (P248) requires an item as the value. So, if you want to have e.g. a book as reference, you must first add the book as item to the database and then link to the item. See Help:Sources before doing this.
  • Reference URL (P854) is the default property for some reason. However, use it only if the reference already has been added to Wikidata as item.
  • Imported from (P143) should be used if the data comes directly from another database. This is relevant if/when Opasnet (or part of it) is considered as a credible source and data can be directly downloaded from there.


Based on some practical learning and testing of the Wikidata website.

See also

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