ERF of methyl mercury on intelligence quotient

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ERF of methyl mercury on intelligence quotient describes the quantitative relationship between exposure to (prenatal) methyl mercury exposure and intelligence quotient (IQ) score (in children).




Actual content

Prenatal MeHg exposure sufficient to increase the concentration of mercury in maternal hair at parturition by 1 ug/g decreases IQ by 0.7 points (min and max 0 and 1.5, respectively).

Narrative description

Every 1 ug/g of methylmercury in mothers hair decreases IQ of a child by 0.7 points. Study by Cohen et al[1] finds that prenatal MeHg exposure sufficient to increase the concentration of mercury in maternal hair at parturition by 1 ug/g decreases IQ by 0.7 points. The paper identifies important sources of uncertainty influencing this estimate, concluding that the plausible range of values for this loss is 0 to 1.5 IQ points.[1]

A triangular distribution with parameters: min = 0, mode = 0.7 and max = 1.5 was created. Distribution by author judgement. D↷

This variable includes conversion from mercury intake to mercury concentration in hair. Firstly, WHO(1990) suggests the use of a single-compartment model, through which the steady-state Hg concentration in blood (C) in ug/l is related to the average daily dietary intake (d) in ug of Hg, as follows: C = 0.95 * d. Secondly, blood mercury was converted to total hair mercury using a 1:250 ratio (New Zealand and Seychilles Island studies) and an assumption of equivalent maternal and cord levels.[2] D↷





IQ points / 1 ug/g increase in maternal hair




  1. 1.0 1.1 Methyl mercury: Cohen et al 2005a
  2. Methyl mercury: Bidone_et_al(2004)