Goherr: WP7 Dissemination

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Disseminate results to stakeholders and authorities

Description of work, and role of participants

Task 7.1 Preparing www-pages and flyers

At the outset of the project, www-pages and flyers presenting the project will be made.

Task 7.2 Developing and updating detailed communications plan

The aim of Task 7.2 is to organize different types of communication with stakeholders for the needs of WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, and WP6. The communications plan will be updated periodically.

a) At the beginning of the project, interest groups / stakeholders related to the topic of the project (fisher organisations, authorities, decision makers, eNGOs, scientists) will be mapped, and informed about the project through 1) email and 2) in a meeting of the Baltic Sea Regional Advisory Council (BSRAC). All interest groups will be encouraged to follow the GOHERR www-pages, and communication will be active through the whole project.

b) The project will carry out total 40 interviews in four Baltic Sea countries (Finland, Sweden, Denmark,Estonia). The interviews cover all stakeholder groups (WP2).

c) Two questionnaire studies will be conducted: 1) A questionnaire study focusing on stakeholders’ preferences about objectives for Baltic salmon and herring management will be targeted to a selected group of people representing relevant stakeholder organisations (WP3, by UOULU, UH), and 2) A questionnaire study focusing on consumers’ eating habits related to Baltic salmon and herring, will be targeted to a wide sample of people from different Baltic Sea countries, month 18 (WP5, by THL, UH, and UOUL).

d) Two international workshops will be organized: 1) International Stakeholder Workshop No 1 (Month 10, Jan-Feb 2016 ), 2) International Stakeholder Workshop No 2 (Month 32, Nov 2017). The workshops will serve 1) data needs of WPs 2,3,5,6; 2) in establishing and maintaining interaction between the project and stakeholders, and 3) in presenting the aims, processes and results of the project (WP2, 3,4,5,6). The plan and program for the workshops will be defined in the Kick off meeting.

e) A Film short will be included on the website as a part of outreach (Month 20).

f) Two courses will be given for PhD students and PostDocs: 1) A course in marine governance in Aalborg University by IFM-AAU; 2) A course in decision analysis in the University of Helsinki by UH.

Task 7.3 Open linked data and models (UH, THL, IFM-AAU, SLU, UOULU)

The project will do its share in open linked data movement by opening up data and models that are collected or produced. The task will start from WP5 human data, month 6. Typically, the data will be opened when representative publications are published. Opasnet web workspace will be used as the main data repository. Others will pay special attention to the format of the data and models so that they will be easily reusable.

Deliverables timetable

D7.1 Project web-pages and electronic flyer (Month 2). Responsible partner: UH.

D7.2a,b Report of student training in Task 7.2f (courses on marine governance (IFM-AAU and decision analysis (UH) (M34). Responsible partners: IFM-AAU and UH.

D7.3 Developing and updating stakeholder communication plan (Month 36, start M2). Responsible partner: UH.

D7.4 Online material in Opasnet (report) (M36). Responsible partner: UH.

D7.5 Open linked data and models (M36). Responsible partner: UH.

D7.6 Report of stakeholder communication and involvement in the project (M36). Responsible partner: UH

See also

Goherr Research project 2015-2018: Integrated governance of Baltic herring and salmon stocks involving stakeholders
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Goherr public website

Workpackages including task description and follow-up:
WP1 Management · WP2 Sociocultural use, value and goverrnance of Baltic salmon and herring · WP3 Scenarios and management objectives · WP4 Linking fish physiology to food production and bioaccumulation of dioxin · WP5 Linking the health of the Baltic Sea with health of humans: Dioxin · WP6 Building a decision support model for integrated governance · WP7 Dissemination

Other relevant pages in Opasnet: GOHERR assessment · Relevant literature

Relevant data: Exposure response functions of dioxins · Fish consumption in Sweden · POP concentrations in Baltic sea fish · Exposure response functions of Omega3 fatty acids

Relevant methods: Health impact assessment · OpasnetBaseUtils‎ · Modelling in Opasnet

Relevant assessments: Benefit-risk assessment of Baltic herring · Benefit-risk assessment on farmed salmon · Benefit-risk assessment of methyl mercury and omega-3 fatty acids in fish · Benefit-risk assessment of fish consumption for Beneris · Benefit-risk assessment of Baltic herring (in Finnish)

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