Measured biomonitoring data

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This group includes the measured biomonitoring data, which can be used to describe the total exposure levels of humans to the measured pollutants. The data can be used to evaluate the level of indoor originated exposure by applying the knowledge of ratios for exposures coming from different micro-environments. This kind of evaluation can provide a rough estimation of the indoor exposure levels quite easily.


Source attribution is difficult to do, so it's hard to define the proportion that originates from indoor sources

Linked databases with measured indoor exposure levels

Short description

NHEXAS Phase I consists of three demonstration/scoping studies using probability-based sampling designs. Volunteer participants were randomly selected from several areas of the U.S. These studies included personal exposure, residential concentration, and biomarker measurements. The Arizona study was conducted in Arizona, and measured metals, pesticides, and VOCs. The Maryland study was conducted in Maryland, and measured metals, pesticides, and PAHs. The Region 5 study was conducted in EPA's Region 5 (Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota), and measured metals and VOCs. Researchers worked with the participants to measure the level of chemicals in the air they breathed; in foods and beverages they consumed, including drinking water; in the soil and dust around their homes; and in their blood and urine. Participants completed questionnaires to help identify possible sources of chemical exposure. Sample collection occurred between 1995 and 1997.

Regional coverage
German Environmental Survey (GerES)
Short description

The German Environmental Survey (GerES) is a representative population study to determine the exposure of Germany's general population to environmental contaminants. The first GerES (GerES I) was conducted in 1985/86, the second was conducted in 1990/91 and in 1991/92 extended to the former GDR (GerES II), GerES III was performed in 1998 and GerES IV for children started in May 2003 and fieldwork was completed in May 2006. Includes concentrations of metals, organochlorine compounds PCBs in blood, urine and scalp for adults and children. Results are provided as summarizing tables.

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