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What is Karttapaikka website?


The Karttapaikka website offers an access to the NLS topographic maps. You can search for maps from the whole of Finland by place names. In more accurate scales, you can also choose an aerial image as the background. More exact scales also show property boundaries. In addition to the map search, there are many other features in the service. Using the function “Transform coordinates”, you can transform coordinates in different coordinate systems into other systems. The function “Create map link” allows you to send information to your friends, for instance about the location of your cottage. A link sent by e-mail shows the location of the selected object on the map. Through the service you can order various printed map products. Besides topographic and basic maps. You can choose the area you want to print out as well as the size and scale of it. The print is not conditional on the map sheet division. MapSite is accessible to all and free of charge. The use of the service doesn’t require registration. The scale of the main map is shown in the top left-hand corner of the window and the corresponding scale bar in the bottom left-hand corner. The scale is only approximate as it varies according to the properties of the display. You can check the actual scale from the scale bar.You can move the map by clicking the arrows surrounding the map frame.You can also move the map with map tools or by clicking on an area on the small orientation map





See also



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Karttapaikka. Opasnet . [1]. Accessed 01 Jun 2024.