Lung cancer cases due to radon in Europe

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Revision as of 12:54, 13 January 2011 by Jouni (talk | contribs) (Result: country-specific BAU results for 2010 added)
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Mortality due to indoor radon concentrations.

  • Spatial: Europe
  • Temporal: years 2010-2050


  • Lung cancer cases calculated from radon concentration using <math>cases = impact function * concentration * population</math>. IF taken from HEIMTSA and INTARESE (Darby 2004; Darby 2005).
  • The referenced impact function is scaled down in assuming only 4.6% of population is exposed, but we assume all are exposed.




cases per year


R code

#mortlocs <- op_baseGetLocs("opasnet_base", "Op_en2778")
#mort <- op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", "Op_en2778", include = mortlocs[grep("C34|1034|UE15|All Ages", mortlocs$loc),"loc_id"])
#poplocs <- op_baseGetLocs("opasnet_base", "Op_en4691")
pop <- op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", "Op_en4691", include = 1367, exclude = c(1435, 1436))
#countries <- c("AT", "BE", "BG", "CH", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DK", "EE", "ES", "FI", "FR", "GR", "HU", "IE", "IS", "IT", "LT", "LU", 
#	"LV", "MT", "NL", "NO", "PL", "PT", "RO", "SE", "SI", "SK", "UK")
countries <- c("Austria", "Belgium", "Bulgaria", "Switzerland", "Cyprus", "Czech Republic", "Germany", "Denmark", "Estonia", "Spain", 
	"Finland", "France", "Greece", "Hungary", "Ireland", "Iceland", "Italy", "Lithuania", "Luxembourg", "Latvia", "Malta", "Netherlands", 
	"Norway", "Poland", "Portugal", "Romania", "Sweden", "Slowenia", "Slovakia", "United Kingdom")
conc <- op_baseGetData("opasnet_base", "Op_en4713")
levels(pop[,"CountryID"]) <- countries
colnames(pop)[4] <- "Country"
colnames(pop)[8] <- "Population"
#y <- 0
#mort0 <- mort[1,]
#temp <- mort[1,]
#for (i in 1:length(levels(mort[,"Country"]))) {
#	icountry <- levels(mort[,"Country"])[i]
#	temp <- mort[mort[,"Country"] == icountry&mort[,"Age"] == "All Ages"&mort[,"Year"] == as.character(max(as.numeric(as.character(mort[
#	mort[, "Country"] == icountry, "Year"])))),]
#	if(nrow(temp)>0) mort0[(y+1):(y+nrow(temp)),] <- temp[,]
#	y <- nrow(mort0)
#mort0 <- mort0[,c(3,4,5,6,7,9)]
pop <- pop[,c(3,4,5,6,7,8)]
#conc <- conc[,c(2,3,4,5)]
#mort0array <- DataframeToArray(mort0)
levels(pop[,"Age"])[1] <- "All Ages" #Fixed to match mortality format
#popxmort0 <- IntArray(pop, mort0array, "Mortality")
#ffpopxmort0 <- ffdf(Age=as.ff(popxmort0[,1]), Country=as.ff(popxmort0[,2]), Rate=as.ff(popxmort0[,3]), Sex=as.ff(popxmort0[,4]), 
#	Year=as.ff(popxmort0[,5]), Population=as.ff(popxmort0[,6]), Cause=as.ff(factor(popxmort0[,7])), List=as.ff(factor(popxmort0[,8])), 
#	Mortality=as.ff(popxmort0[,9]))
concarray <- DataframeToArray(conc)
#meanconcarray <- apply(concarray, c(2,3), mean)
#ffconcarray <- as.ff(concarray)
popxconc <- IntArray(pop, concarray[1:1000,,,], "Concentration")
#popxmort0xconc <- IntArray(popxmort0, concarray[1:1000,,])
#y <- 1
#temp <- IntArray(ffpopxmort0[1,], concarray)
#ffpopxmort0xconc <- temp[]
#for (i in 1:(nrow(ffpopxmort0)%/%5)) {
#	temp[] <- IntArray(ffpopxmort0[(1+(i-1)*5):(i*5),], concarray)
#	ffpopxmort0xconc[y:(y+nrow(temp)-1)] <- temp[]
#	y <- y + nrow(temp)
#for (i in list(1=1:5, 2=8:3)) print(i[1]+i[2])
k <- 0.37/0.046
lungmortality <- data.frame(popxconc[,c("obs","Country","policy","Year","Age","Rate","Sex")], Result = k * popxconc[, 
"Concentration"] / 100 * popxconc[, "Population"] / 100000)


Show results

Lung cancer cases attributable to indoor radon in residents in Europe, year 2010.
Country of observation Mean SD
Austria 954 866
Belgium 733 566
Bulgaria 265 279
Switzerland 1389 2101
Cyprus 8 9
Germany 4080 2857
Denmark 326 300
Estonia 190 177
Spain 7491 14273
Finland 699 563
France 6903 8818
Greece 725 708
Hungary 1374 1558
Ireland 463 439
Italy 4355 3537
Lithuania 191 176
Luxembourg 59 47
Latvia 195 196
Malta 38 38
Netherlands 445 217
Norway 492 463
Poland 1914 1387
Portugal 1020 889
Romania 1063 1039
Sweden 1206 1233
Slovakia 514 494
Total 37091

See also



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