Impact functions for IEHIAS

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The text on this page is taken from an equivalent page of the IEHIAS-project.

The spreadsheets below show the outdoor air pollution and personal exposure impact functions included in the Common Case Study for Europe - and separately for Western, Eastern and Northern Europe.

The results for impact assessment of mortality in relation to air pollution can be obtained from the following tables.

Western countries - weighted average of England, Wales, Italy and Sweden (no discounting)
Female Male Total
Population 30+ 42,415,896 38,784,956 81,200,852
Life years gained per μg/m3 37,656 39,757 77.412
Life years gained per 100k popn 30+ per μg/m3 88.8 102.5 95.3
Eastern countries - based on Poland (no discounting)
Female Male Total
Population 30+ 12,307,810 10,714,244 23,022,054
Life years gained per μg/m3 12,545 16,358 28,903
Life years gained per 100k popn 30+ per μg/m3 101.9 152.7 125.5
Western countries - weighted average of England, Wales, Italy and Sweden (3% discounting)
Female Male Total
Population 30+ 42,415,896 38,784,956 81,200,852
Life years gained per μg/m3 25,825 26,689 52,514
Life years gained per 100k popn 30+ per μg/m3 60.9 68.8 64.7
Eastern countries - based on Poland (3% discounting)
Female Male Total
Population 30+ 12,307,810 10,714,244 23,022,054
Life years gained per μg/m3 8,620 10,963 19,582
Life years gained per 100k popn 30+ per μg/m3 70.0 102.3 85.1

These values were obtained using the following method:

  1. Life table methods were used to estimate life years gained per μg/m3. This was done separately for women and for men.
  2. Within each life table, the mortality risks were changed only at ages 30+
  3. This gives, separately for women and for men, totals as in the 2nd row of the table.
  4. These totals need to be standardized for population size. Two candidates for ‘population size’ were considered
    • The total population (M or F), all ages
    • The total population (M or F), at age 30
  5. The standardized results would be considered more stable / more transferable, if standardized to the population aged 30+, because it safeguards against variations between countries in the proportion of people aged <30
  6. The impact function needs to be applied to the equivalent population in the target countries once rise has been standardized to this population
  7. For countries will a similar demographic pattern, the way of standardisation of results does not matter much.

See also

File attachments:

Integrated Environmental Health Impact Assessment System
IEHIAS is a website developed by two large EU-funded projects Intarese and Heimtsa. The content from the original website was moved to Opasnet.
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