List of open tasks

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List of open tasks is a decentralised way of collecting useful information to Opasnet and improving the formatting or quality of the existing content. Anyone can contribute to Opasnet for free (see Main Page#How can you participate?). But there are some pieces of information and some tasks that are especially important for the THL maintenance team of Opasnet. Therefore, THL (National Institute for Health and Welfare, located in Finland) is willing to pay for those people who do the tasks listed on this page. Anyone can read the task list, search for the information, organise it into a proper format and upload it to the website.


What is an efficient way to update Opasnet pages in such a way that

  • the most important content gets high priority,
  • the tasks are distributed outside the core Opasnet group if possible,
  • the editors can get paid if they work on material that is of strategic interest to THL,
  • the quality of pages is kept high, and
  • copyright rules of external material are not violated?

What tasks are there to improve the functionalities of Opasnet?


LVM tasks

  • Siloiteltu käyttöliittymä helppoon editointiin wikissä. # : Olisiko tämä sellainen, että ilman kirjautumista käyttäjä voisi kirjoittaa otsikon ja pelkkää plain textiä jonkin rajallisen määrän, vaikka 2000 merkkiä, ja tämä sijoitettaisiin keskustelusivulle (vai pikemminkin pääsivun loppuun)? --Jouni (talk) 15:13, 14 March 2014 (EET)

THL tasks

  • Heandessa: SpecialPages ja Forgot your password? aiheuttavat virheilmoituksen.
  • In tables, class="wikitable collapsible collapsed" does not work. This should be corrected.
  • Laura aloitti M-files-tiedostojen lataamisen pois, mutta työ on vielä kesken. Kuitenkin nyt kirjautuminen päättyy tähän virheilmoitukseen: Unspecified error (Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. Win32 Error:8007000E). Voisiko sinne tehdä tilaa sen verran, että saadaan homma loppuun ennen kuin serveri kuolee?
  • Template causes trouble after wiki update and it should be corrected.
  • Törmäsin googlessa tämmöiseen linkkiin: Se löytää sivun, mutta se ei tunnista minua op_fi:n käyttäjäksi. Tämmöiset virheelliset muotoilut pitäisi automaattisesti uudelleenohjata, esim. -> Käytössä on myös tämmöinen: En ymmärrä näiden eri domainien logiikaa. Pitäisikö tätä hyödyntää niin, että esim. dss-muotoilut olisivat erilaiset, jos sivulle tulee kautta kuin kautta?


These tasks are being considered in the tasks list but are not prioritised high enough.

  • ICT-mallin life table -laskenta. Analytica-mallin laskentasolmut "Population in time, child" sekä "Population in time, beginning of time step" pitäisi koodata ovariableiksi. Tarvittavat lähtötiedot ja analytica-mallin koodit on kuvattu tänne: Impact Calculation Tool for R.

These are ideas of tasks but they are not in the task list yet.

  • Pitäisi rakentaa funktioita, joiden avulla päästään kiinni
    • rating barin tuloksiin,
    • sivujen lataustilastoihin,
    • sivu- ja käyttäjäkohtaisiin muokkauspisteisiin. Juha V tietää tekniikasta. Tarkoituksena on kehittää pisteytyssysteemi sivuille, jotta lukijalle voidaan antaa lisätietoa sivun sisällön uskottavuudesta.
  • Hallitusohjelman budjettipelin laatiminen

Checking of the rcode performance

The Opasnet Base has been updated, and some new functionalities are now available. As a side effect, many old Rcodes have stopped working. You should go through pages that have rcode (search eg. for "</rcode>"), test codes that you find, and report about them to this list.

If a code works (i.e. it does not produce an error report but runs all the way to the last line of code (if you don't know how to check it, ask for help)), simply categorise the page to Category:Contains R code. If it does NOT work, try the following:

  • A common problem is that the package OpasnetBaseUtils is no longer available. Change "library(OpasnetBaseUtils)" to "library(OpasnetUtils)".
  • If that does not help, change it to "library(OldOpasnetBaseUtils"). If that fixes the problem, update and save the code but also add a category: Category:OldOpasnetBaseUtils
  • If you know enough R, you can also try to adjust the code based on error messages.
  • However, if you are not able to locate and fix the problem, do not save changes to the code. Just list the code to the list of tested codes.

NOTE! The priority is on pages that have been recently updated. Very old codes are less interesting.

NOTE2! You can change and test a code without saving changes permanently. Just use Show preview.

  • Make a template that makes links to those documents: {{IRIS links|id|toxireview}} (produces links to Quickview, Summary, and Toxicological review but to toxicological review only if the parameter toxreview exists (most of them don't). Details: IRIS The template does not yet exist.
  • The website is copied to Opasnet and organised (ca. 430 pages)

Data upload to Opasnet Base

Templates of page types

The following template pages should be updated based on the following object structure descriptions. The Template:Assessment structure has been done as example.

Page type update

All pages should have a page type. Also, some pages have been classified into a poor page type, because the practices have changed over time. Also the structure should be improved towards Scope, Definition, Result if applicable. Therefore, there are tasks to:

  • develop a page that lists all pages without a page type,
  • go through all pages without a page type and classify them,
  • reclassifying pages into better types when they are being edited for other reasons.
  • The current pages will be cleaned up. Two major things: check the page type (variable, assessment...), and add any relevant categories.
  • The Variable namespace should be checked, as a lot of it seems to have moved to the Main namespace.

Practical guidance

Browse through the following pages:

Feel free to be bold, explore and learn by trying. You can not cause any irreversible damage because fixing the pages afterwards is very simple.

See also


Related files
